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dB-R has 3000Ds Refurbs on Sale!

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Check it out - until January 15th :)

Refurbished SAZ-3000D New Heatsink Design A-Stock - $660.00 - 3 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D New Heatsink Design B-Stock - $640.00 - 1 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D Old Heatsink Design A-Stock - $640.00 - 1 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D Old Heatsink Design B-Stock - $625.00 - 2 Availible!

Can't beat those prices.

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Chris seems to be selling these really fast - I am sure they won't last much longer, maybe not even until the 15th!

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I have been checking their web and the prices are pretty tempting. I am kicking around the idea of swapping out my zx1500 and going with a 3000D and adding two more subs.

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I have been checking their web and the prices are pretty tempting. I am kicking around the idea of swapping out my zx1500 and going with a 3000D and adding two more subs.

I say go for it :bigclap:

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It is very tempting, with all of the encouragment everybody provides it just might happen. 4 Fi ssd 12's powered by a 3000d :wacky: in a F-150.

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Refurbished SAZ-3000D New Heatsink Design A-Stock - $660.00 - 0 Availible -- SOLD OUT (I am Pretty sure they are.... Jake? Anymore?)

Refurbished SAZ-3000D New Heatsink Design B-Stock - $640.00 - 1 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D Old Heatsink Design A-Stock - $640.00 - 2 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D Old Heatsink Design B-Stock - $625.00 - 2 Availible!


Just sold the last New Heatsink A-Stock that I am aware of.....

After the sale these go up in price. New prices will look like this:

Refurbished SAZ-3000D New Heatsink Design A-Stock - $755.00

Refurbished SAZ-3000D New Heatsink Design B-Stock - $735.00

Refurbished SAZ-3000D Old Heatsink Design A-Stock - $735.00

Refurbished SAZ-3000D Old Heatsink Design B-Stock - $720.00

Price increases for 2009 posted above.... Get them CHEAP while you can.... There are still a few left, but they are selling out FAST!


dB-r Electronics

Edited by dB-r

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Refurbished SAZ-3000D-RNH A-Stock - $660.00 - 0 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D-RBNH B-Stock - $640.00 - 1 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D-R A-Stock - $640.00 - 2 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D-RB B-Stock - $625.00 - 2 Availible!

Still have a few left. Get them before the sale is over!

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will be making my call monday or tuesday be lookin for my call dB-R gotta have the 3000d, was very impressed w/ the 1500d and was just gonna ad another to my dc lvl4 d1 12's w/ lvl5 coils til someone decided to go an take my chit. that's nether here or there, but be sure to hold one for me. ****'s my word!!!!!

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A 3000D is definitely on my wish list as soon as I sell what I have!

Hope its before the 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by JBerger

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3 Days left on the Refurb SAZ-3000D Sale. Looks like we have 4 left:

Refurbished SAZ-3000D-RNH A-Stock - $660.00 - 0 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D-RBNH B-Stock - $640.00 - 1 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D-R A-Stock - $640.00 - 2 Availible!

Refurbished SAZ-3000D-RB B-Stock - $625.00 - 1 Availible!


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