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Will I kill my BL's ?

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I have two 18" BL's with all the upgrades and the daily option.

I proposed to put them in a wall (around 8cuft per sub) and power them off a Trutech Hammer each (1.5kw per sub)

Now I've managed to get my hands on a 5kw amp and was wondering how much power can the BL's realistically take without dying on a daily basis ?

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Just have to watch them to see what they are doing mechanically. Thermally, if you smell the glue on the coils getting hot, you have gone to far. . .

Unless you really know what you are doing, they are not going to live long on 5k. . .


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you could use the amp possibly just set the gains write and watch the volume knob, but i dont think they will take 5kw more that a couple of times without something bad happerning i mean after all the rms is 1kw?

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Fair enough, I'll keep the Z1 aside for when the SMD's come out :)

I just assumed the Fi ethos of power handling would be like the RE of yesteryear.

Edited by FiQ150db

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Fair enough, I'll keep the Z1 aside for when the SMD's come out :)

I just assumed the Fi ethos of power handling would be like the RE of yesteryear.

You have to take those stories with a grain of salt. Unless they clamp the amp, there is no way to tell what the amp is actually putting out. They could put a 5000 watt amp on a sub, but you have NO idea what power is actually going to the sub just by looking and listening. There may only be 1000 watts going to it, but people think it handles so much more because of the amp's size and they figure they're using all of it. I'm not questioning either brand or their ability to handle power. But many times the power handling is actually limited by the box, not the actual coil on the sub.

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remember, the amp won't blow your subs, it's irresponsibility with the volume knob. you can use the amp, just don't be stupid.

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