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In short order:

I've layed out so many ideas for the cargo area of my truck that i've gone cross-eyed. The trailblazer's been a test platform since I got her last year. It's about GD time that I finalize something for her. Afterall, it's my daily driven - 400 mile a week vehicle.

'02 Trailblazer LS; no third row seats; no ext version.

I need to actually be able to utilize the U portion in SUV. So:

a.) build an enclosure / rack along one side

b.) make a wdith-wise enclosure that is easy to remove

I've gotten to the point where I think it's easier to visualize designs in trunk cars simply because you have objects to work with / around. This stationwagon though, is kicking my ass... big open wasteland.


I need some fresh eyes and ideas. Please.

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Onto the juicy stuff:

Dimensions to work with (approximate): 50" wide x 18" high x 32" deep.

I need to build a home for my TC Sounds JLaine Uberwoofer 15". I'm planning on 5.0ish ft^3 gross for her. Woofer inverted, top mounted, ported towards the tailgate. Prolly going to 'glass as much of the upper/frontal half as much as possible. Make it pretty. :D

I also need to make a home for two amplifiers back here... An Orion 2500D & 8004. 2500D is ~12"x25". The 8004 is ~12"x16".

Also, will have to hide (2) runs of 1/Ott, (6) runs of 4ga, and a 1 -> 2 distroblock.

Preferably I'd like to mount both amps & fuse block (w/voltage display) frenched into the glass of the enclosure.


A seperate amp 'rack' on the opposite side of the cargo area for the three items. cancels the idea of a width-wise enclosure.

I'm going to post pic's, links to a few Google'd pictures of the cargo area.

Thanks gent's....

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BTW - ignore the cargo cover, I have 5% window tint instead. :wacko:

Also, the trap door there? To give you an idea of size: That's where my Orion 8002 is currently. I would like to access this, but it's not horribly important.





This is my actual truck last summer with a 1.5ft^3 iso:


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How about some more details on exactly what you'd like to do with the cargo area, as far as hauling stuff is concerned. How much space do you NEED to keep?

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Amp's on back seats, glassed in them ( glass surrounding the outer parimeter of both amps for that clean look)

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  Tirefryr said:
How about some more details on exactly what you'd like to do with the cargo area, as far as hauling stuff is concerned.  How much space do you NEED to keep?

mmkay, sorry.

If I can get away with a removable enclosure along the driver's side (extending upto 1/2way across the cargo area) that is removable.. I'd be happiest.

I'm talking: flush to the leftmost trim panel, right upto the window line, about 30" long (from seatback to tailgate), and extending at most to the middle/centerline of the truck.

I can mount the amps /amprack permanatly to the passanger side without much concern.

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Me personally, I would make an enclosure almost like a false floor. I would remove the door to that compartment on the floor and glass that into the enclosure to provide some extra room. Then make the enclosure as wide and long as you need to get the necessary volume. That way, it's basically like having a raised floor higher than stock with a driver in 1 corner and possibly even the amps flushed within this floor.

I understand the easy removal route, but I myself, don't like to remove and reinstall things, even if it is as simple as an enclosure. The weight of the Uber is enough, add in the MDF and it just gets worse. What happens when you need to remove it and nobody is around to help? I also don't like things easily removable for securtiy concerns. If you can remove it easily, you can be damn sure a thief will have it out in even less time, no matter what measures you take to secure it.

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I'd thought of a full raised floor look as well. The uber is the deepest woofer I've ever owned though... it's actually taller the my 9915 even.

I liked the raised floor idea for a couple a reasons: low profile, I can leave my mid/high amp in the trap door compartment (if i dont glass it into the enclosure), gives me a great area to french sub amp, annnnd I could still use the cargo area. I'd just have to make it sturdy and protect the moofer.

I'm not overly worried about security... if something happens, it happens. I've put the tint on, put the alram on, and park at home with her ass butted nearly against the garage. But as I said, life happens.

Hmmm, if I'm inverted... that really might work.

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  NjccBflo said:
I'd thought of a full raised floor look as well. The uber is the deepest woofer I've ever owned though... it's actually taller the my 9915 even.

I liked the raised floor idea for a couple a reasons: low profile, I can leave my mid/high amp in the trap door compartment (if i dont glass it into the enclosure), gives me a great area to french sub amp, annnnd I could still use the cargo area. I'd just have to make it sturdy and protect the moofer.

I'm not overly worried about security... if something happens, it happens. I've put the tint on, put the alram on, and park at home with her ass butted nearly against the garage. But as I said, life happens.

Hmmm, if I'm inverted... that really might work.

Another route would be to NOT go inverted and possibly mount the driver where the "tub" is to gain the extra depth needed for the basket and motor structure. WHile it would be a shame to hide the beautiful ass-end of that thing, it also gives you an edge in that you don't just have that bulk sitting somewhere taking up valuable space. That way you could almost have a totally flush floor, with the exception of the driver itself. BUT, then it present the challenge of fabricating a grill to cover it, which would be a necessity.

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Also something else to note, I used to know a guy who was a professional thief. Luckily, the guy liked me, though I hated him, and was kind enough to give me some pointers on what to do to avoid theft. He told me the number one thing he scouts for when breaking into vehicles is a vehicle parked reversed tight up a garage door. He says the thief sees it as a challenge or dare if you will to break in. Just something I thought I'd point out so you don't find yourself in a sticky situation.

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  Tirefryr said:
  NjccBflo said:
I'd thought of a full raised floor look as well. The uber is the deepest woofer I've ever owned though... it's actually taller the my 9915 even.

I liked the raised floor idea for a couple a reasons: low profile, I can leave my mid/high amp in the trap door compartment (if i dont glass it into the enclosure), gives me a great area to french sub amp, annnnd I could still use the cargo area. I'd just have to make it sturdy and protect the moofer.

I'm not overly worried about security... if something happens, it happens. I've put the tint on, put the alram on, and park at home with her ass butted nearly against the garage. But as I said, life happens.

Hmmm, if I'm inverted... that really might work.

Another route would be to NOT go inverted and possibly mount the driver where the "tub" is to gain the extra depth needed for the basket and motor structure. WHile it would be a shame to hide the beautiful ass-end of that thing, it also gives you an edge in that you don't just have that bulk sitting somewhere taking up valuable space. That way you could almost have a totally flush floor, with the exception of the driver itself. BUT, then it present the challenge of fabricating a grill to cover it, which would be a necessity.

You know how tall that Uber is... the 'tub' is only about 4" deep. I dont want to build a floor that is more then 4-5" tall (above OEM), because it's ~17" from OEM floor to window line.

Only way I could buy enough depth would be to build-up a volcano towards the mdf ring.... which kills more usable shelf-space then inverted would.

I think I'm liking your idea in general though...

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  Tirefryr said:
Also something else to note, I used to know a guy who was a professional thief.  Luckily, the guy liked me, though I hated him, and was kind enough to give me some pointers on what to do to avoid theft.  He told me the number one thing he scouts for when breaking into vehicles is a vehicle parked reversed tight up a garage door.  He says the thief sees it as a challenge or dare if you will to break in.  Just something I thought I'd point out so you don't find yourself in a sticky situation.

good point... :faintthud:

I've only known people that'd take the whole car. LoL


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I wasn't aware how deep the well was. I would've thought it'd be more than 4" though. So yes, that would not be too feasible.

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  Tirefryr said:
I wasn't aware how deep the well was.  I would've thought it'd be more than 4" though.  So yes, that would not be too feasible.

yea... it's kind of an afterthought that GM threw in IMO. I fits within the full size spare that mounted underneath.

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Now I'm going to be taking a bunch of pictures of my hatch tonight... LoL

I'll stick the uber & a couple of amps in there for reference then post 'em up. :D

BTW - Thanks again everybody, keep it coming!

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I say Uber in DS corner closest to the seats. Amps running widthwise across the rear.

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X3... I figure thats most usable as well. I can drop the larger seatback.

Last question then... where to run the port? LoL

Driver side, labrytnh style, me thinks.

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Rear fire or on same plane as driver?

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rear fire. mouth about 4" from tailgate.

me thinks with the woofer in the passenger front corner I'll have the port open out on the driver rear corner, run up the side turn 180* and back about 1/2 way.

make sense?

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Perfect sense. I agree with you wholly.

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