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From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

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1) My amps work fine un-strapped but go into protection when strapped and/or my amps are stuck in protection. - 3/8/07

I have had three customers with this complaint. All three of them replaced their RCA cables to remedy the problem. Some model Stinger and Memphis RCA cables will NOT work with the SAZ-1500D, *especially* for the jumper RCA from master to slave based on the feedback I have received. Be advised... this should be the FIRST thing you check if your strapped pair is going into protection. It will usually be the slave going into protection if this is the case... but not always.


2) I want to strap my amp at the lowest possible load, what is it? - 3/13/07

Quite frankly I recommend to run the amps at 1 ohm each and 2 ohms strapped. One hundred percent of any problems people see with protection and overheating result from loads under 1 ohm per amplifier... I have yet to hear a single compaint at 1 ohm operation. The lowest officially supported strapped load is 2 ohms. Running at a load of under 1 ohm un-strapped or 2 ohms strapped (1 ohm per amp) will void your warranty coverage.

As of March 31st, 2007 the SAZ-1500D will not carry 0.5 ohm warranty coverage. All amplifiers sold BEFORE that date are still covered by the 0.5 ohm warranty as described in THIS thread.


3) I am looking at the manual but still can't figure out how to strap the amps. - 3/13/07

This seems to be a common problem so it's not just you. I hooked up the wiring on a pair and snapped some actual photos to help you out:


The master amplifier gets the input from the head-unit and a mono RCA from "BR Out" connected.

The slave amplifier ONLY gets "BR In" connected from the master.

ALL controls are handled on the master, setting anything on the slave is not necessary.


This picture should be pretty self explanatory.

* The slave takes the "-" connection(s)

* The master takes the "+" connection(s)

* The "-" terminals of the amps are hooked together.

You don't need to use both sets of "+" on the amps. They are there for flexibility. While you should always connect both "-" terminals on the amps together using large wire as general procedure it is not absolutely necessary to use both sets of "+" terminals. They are connected together internally in parallel.

When strapped the MASTER controls ALL functions of both amps.


4) Hey, doesn't the SAE-1000D accept 1/0 Power wire? It doesn't fit, what gives? - 7/3/07

Print materials have a mis-print stating 1/0 power wire will fit. In reality the power / ground terminals are identical to the SAX-100.2 and 100.4 models -- meaning they are designed for 4 gauge wire. You can trim 1/0 wire to fit, use a "reducer," or go through a distribution block to run 4 gauge to the amp if you already have 1/0 ran.


5) I can't find my invoice but I need to send my amplifier in for warranty. - 4/9/08

You need some sort of invoice to prove your date of purchase PERIOD. I can not play detective for you and figure out when and where you bought the amp, the warranty terms clearly state a need for an invoice of some kind from your authorized dealer. A cart check-out page (listing what the item is) and a Paypal receipt are acceptable from an online dealer - but you MUST sent in SOMETHING.



6) I am sending my amplifier in for warranty, how should I pack it? - 4/9/08

DO NOT send the amplifier in it's cosmetic packing only! I repeat, DO NOT send it in the cosmetic packing only. You MUST put the cosmetic box inside of a second box or, chances are, it will be damaged in shipping. Per the warranty terms I am NOT responsible for damage due to poor packing from the customer and you WILL be charged for repair or replacement if it is beyond repair from damage. Insurance will NOT cover an amplifier packed in a cosmetic box, it is considered poor packing practice.


7) Can I use the BR IN and BR OUT connectors for daisy chaining amps? Do they work like regular outputs? - 4/21/08

NO, they can not be used as regular outputs for daisy chaining amps. DO NOT do this.

The BR OUT if to be connected to the BR IN of a slave amp, when strapped, ONLY.

DO NOT put signal INTO the BR OUT connector.


8) Why are there two pairs of connections on the mono-block Class-D amps? How do I bridge them? - 4/21/08

You do not bridge them, it is a mono-block amplifier.

The connectors are in parallel inside the amp. If you hook 4 ohms to each one, you get two ohms. If you hook 2 ohms to each one, you get one ohm.

They are also there for strapping the amps, as pictured above.

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