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New Fi or AA vs AA Avalanche

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I have asked this question a few times to no avail....starting to make me wonder if its bein ignored on purpose.Posts 19, 23, & 24

Anyway. I am trying to ascertain what line/model of subs from Fi/AA would be an upgrade for me. I love the sq and low end capabilities of the Ava....don't care for the steep roll off up top but it is a trade off that is worth it if you have outstanding midbass. How does the SSD, Q, Havoc, etc. stack up. I would love to hear from some of you that have had the opportunity to hear all of them (or some) and the Ava. I know I am currently overpowering the hell out of my Ava, (Sundown 1500) and would like to possibly go with two 12s or another 15 but there are too many choices lol. My main concern is spending the dough to only find out I haven't really gained anything. Opinions Welcome...thanks in advance.

Edited by SQL_Volvo

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The XBL2 drivers don't have less upper end. They have less Le and distortion, which gives the opposite.....

If you want louder you can do better with the others, as far as better sound, well the XBL2 motors are tough to beat by any standard...

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Something about the AVA though, does not sound good to me over 65 Hz or so.

Havoc would be a nice upgrade. . .

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You still running the 4 sealed in the house?

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Something about the AVA though, does not sound good to me over 65 Hz or so.

Havoc would be a nice upgrade. . .

Agreed. I cross mine a 63hz@18db. How does the Havoc compare on the low end? Louder off same power?

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You still running the 4 sealed in the house?

Yes. . .actually between houses and plan to run them ported in the new HT room!

Just bought another one. . .Love those drivers.

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You still running the 4 sealed in the house?

Yes. . .actually between houses and plan to run them ported in the new HT room!

Just bought another one. . .Love those drivers.

Did you notice a lack of upper bass with them in the home too, or just in the car?

My Tumults and XXXs didn't have that problem... I wonder if that was a caveat of the Avalanche?

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When I turned my crossover above 65 Hz, to me it killed the overall sound of the driver.

I agree, you know I had a dual tumult setup before the AVA's, and I had them crossed over around 80-85 Hz.


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I can't wait for my Havoc...

I usually leave anything over 65Hz to midbass

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I'm not speaking about the whole xbl^2 driver but I did listen to my bro brahma mk1. While its bottm end is sweet, it has problem keeping up with the high. IIRC Wiggins mentioned that you need a dedicated midbass to match with the Brahma and then came out the extremis.

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