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Custom W7?

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I might pick up a blown w7 for cheap and was curious to see if you guys could get some type of custom re-cone for it.

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negative. you need a recone from JL. if you pick up a cheap motor you may get a recone kit and still be under the actual cost of buying a new speaker in whole.

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Why wouldn't a re-cone from Fi work? I've already had a 3hp custom made for MT softparts, it took some drilling, and lil more than your average recone, but they were awsome subs.

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Because they won't do it.

I'm sure Nick or Scott can elaborate further, but from past posts asking about W6 recones, they will flat out tell you "no, go to JL".

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David isn't going to have anything different.

It's a matter of JL uses specific parts for their subwoofer...it's not stuff that we use.

Sure we can make something work..but it isn't going to be remotely the same. Odds are you couldn't even use the w7 basket..mainly because you have to glue the surrounds down on our designs, it's not made to take on and off like the w7 is.

You have to get a recone through JL...if you want it to work the way it was intended.

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Yea I talked to him, said it was like a 2.9" VC. I wasn't even planning on using the same basket, I wanted to make it a 15". I'm not looking for anything the same, just thought it'd be cool to have a custom woofer to play around with, maybe something that could take a lil more power. O well though.

Edited by The727Kid

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