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SPL-12 Info

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I currently have a 3cuft3 box tuned at 40hz for my Soundstream SPLX sub @ 1k rms. I found out that the box is way to big for this sub thats why it sounds like the bass is "lagging".

I have looked around and found that the Mach5 SPL 12" is the best for price to performance ratio but i have a couple questions that you guys might be able to answer.

What size box will i need and whats the best tuning frequency for a loud daily running 2k rms (Unless thats to much)

And will i have to order one from the US as i am from Australia but the Aus site only lists the SPL 15" not the 12" and my email hasn't been replied to.

Last of all what is the quality like on these for music i no it's an SPL sub but if it has a bit more SQ than my SPLX i would be rapped (and possibly louder in the right box).

Any help would be great thanks.

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Why don't you rebuild the box for the driver you have? You may not have to purchase a new driver at all...

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The SPLX is a high quality sub designed more for burbping, having it in too big a box will make it sound like Jensen or a pyle driver. I highly suggest you rebulid your encloser, vented it should be 2 ft.3 (not inlcluding ports and massive amounts of bracing) tuned to 36 hrtz. and sealed only one foot cubed (not including tons of bracing). A lack of bracing would be causing the sub to sound even worse then it would in an encloser too big for it but braced. Almost nothing worse then a badly flexing box. This sub flex's above average box's let alone an unbraced box. GL

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Ok thanks for that the soundstream engineer said 3cuft3 @ 40hz is the optimum size but it just didn't sound right but i found one that size and tuning for $50 so i guess i can't complain.

2cuft3 @ 36hrtz should make it sound a bit clearer or just louder? Either way any improvements is great.

It would save me some money (not buying a new sub and box)and that will leave me more for new speakers and service my gear box etc.

I could never work WinISD even with the TS specs it just says things don't match etc (something like that)

So being told what size and tuning is a great help as a smaller size should allow me to build it into my wheel well.

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Ok thanks for that the soundstream engineer said 3cuft3 @ 40hz is the optimum size but it just didn't sound right but i found one that size and tuning for $50 so i guess i can't complain.

2cuft3 @ 36hrtz should make it sound a bit clearer or just louder? Either way any improvements is great.

It would save me some money (not buying a new sub and box)and that will leave me more for new speakers and service my gear box etc.

I could never work WinISD even with the TS specs it just says things don't match etc (something like that)

So being told what size and tuning is a great help as a smaller size should allow me to build it into my wheel well.

Are you still using WinISD pro?? or beta?? Pro has problems with the calcs.... try beta SPLX worked fine for me....


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