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Enclosure Info.

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I decided to back out on the whole 10 cuft. enclosure thing. I finally just realized thats tooooo big so I decided to go down a little. Now I was thinking about it being 8.5 cuft. tuned to 32.hz is that good for low and high notes or what?

P.S. Sub,options,amp:18'' Fi.BL:dual 2ohm,Cooling,Flatwind coil,and daily option.its going to be hooked up to a US Amps MD1D thats 1200 rms @ 1ohm (CEA-2006 Compliant)

BTW:If you need any more info just hit me up!!

thank you:)

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It will work fine, figure out what kind of sound and output you want and go from there.

Big box, less mechanical power handling, more pronounced bottom end, tends to be boomier than the smaller box.

Smaller box, more mechanical power handling, less pronounced bottom end, tends to be tighter and more accurate than the bigger box.

Somewhere in the middle...is in the middle of the two.

But, as long as you stay within the guidelines your fine for a daily driving musical scenario.



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