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Is this too big??

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The Fi.BL is being shipped now and i want to know how big 10 cubic ft. is.because the specs says 5-10 cubic ft. so i was going to get the enclosure built to 10 cubic ft. Is 10 cubic ft. good for that sub for max bass and Hitting Good Low low notes or should i stick to the 7-8 cubic ft. range??

P.S.:Space is not a option so you dont have to ask that?These are the options:dual 2ohm,cooling,flatwind coil,daily.

How much inches wide & tall should the port be for this monster????

Thanks Guys:)

Edited by Randy.D

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Need to know how much power you plan to run to it and where you plan to tune it. . . 10 ft is a big box that will more than likely mechanically limit the power handling.

If space is not a problem, the height x width (area) of the port should be 16 sqin per NET cubic foot of enclosure volume.

If you have that much room, order another BL 18 :D


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for low notes the large boxes are great tune low and setup your ssf correctly and you should be fine even with decent power. tuning and up should not have a problem if you dont have a good ssf filter set correctly and you go below tuning boom the sub will bottom out fast on decent power.

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Need to know how much power you plan to run to it and where you plan to tune it. . . 10 ft is a big box that will more than likely mechanically limit the power handling.

If space is not a problem, the height x width (area) of the port should be 16 sqin per NET cubic foot of enclosure volume.

If you have that much room, order another BL 18 :D


Its going to be wired to a US Amps MD1D. Its 1200 Wrms @ 1ohm! (Real Watts!)

Edited by Randy.D

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