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Aaron Clinton

From: Attention NOOBS!!!!

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Scott did an awesome job, so now how should be implement it? Please don't say forced page load. That would take some exotic mod's or heavy code work on Mark's part. And I am not sure how it would effect all the other add-on's we have on the website. I do like the short version idea too. If need be, I can set the restrictions to only allowing the first one or so posts/topics limited to the n00d section. That could cause one of two things; they come see that we are set up that way, get pissy, never post and leave or make a hello topic and see that SSA has more to offer then come here and make one topic about what options to get on their BTL or when will the RL-i 8 be back.

Side note: should we add in a No eDuh, No Massive Audio, No RD, No FatMat and any other lying/cheating company clause? ;)

j/k :tehe:

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