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election is coming on :o everybody tune in. im ready to see who gets it..

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I knew who was gonna win after all 3 debates and the polls are still far from over.

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it is time for a change.

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ahh its not over yet :) we'll see when this is over, everybody is voting for obama because of his skin color.... they dont even care what hes trying to do i told people at school and they didnt even know half the bad things hes going to do. and the worst thing is OBAMA IS NOT even black hes muslim, it doesnt matter to me if the president is black or not. obama isnt experienced enough imo

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Obama is going to win...He is a member of the council on foreign relations and is related to George Bush and Dick Cheney. Their bloodline is interconnected in the places of power, and alot of their family has been president of the united states. He's already been chosen to win, in fact I believe he's been trained his whole life for this very moment.

chit's about to hit the fan fellas, you can laugh if you want, but you should buy extra food and ammo while you can.

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so all of yall who want obama want abortions, gay marriage, raised taxes, no guns, obama doesnt want christanity and all other religions, because he doesnt beleive in it. and think about this half of what you make goes to the government, you make 600. 300 goes to taxes:/ to me this "change" you all speak of is just :bull:

Edited by RobClay

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he hasnt been trained his whole life. he just started taking classes on how to control a country a couple weeks ago...

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They barely talked about McCain at all in the media, compared to Obama. Obama went to visit a ton of cities and it was like a major event in every city he went to. McCain didn't come anywhere near us. To me, he's playing a good "fall guy".

Also, when I say he's been trained his whole life, I don't mean trained to be a good president. I just mean trained to be charismatic (like Clinton), so that when the time came, he could run for president and win it, so that the elites had public support. He's very eloquent with his speech, which is going to be needed if the elites plan to take away weapons, and attack foreign countries. Without a keen mind to justify the actions, there will not be public support, and that's what they need right now if they want to take weapons away, round up citizens (they will call them terrorists), attack pakistan, etc.

Edited by Cheesemind

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we will see wont we..... HE CANT DO WORSE THEN BUSH!

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tbh. id rather have bush than obama. anyday

if obama takes presidency we are practically losing peices of our FREEDOM.

Edited by RobClay

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They barely talked about McCain at all in the media, compared to Obama. Obama went to visit a ton of cities and it was like a major event in every city he went to. McCain didn't come anywhere near us. To me, he's playing a good "fall guy".

mccain is actually doing good in taking the states votes but in electorials obama is winning by a bit

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really... you would rather have a man in the white house that is a moron...... the man has been in office 8 years... fucking off everything... when asked what was the most memorable moment in office the man said " the day i cought a 8 lb bass at my ranch" are you kidding me.

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really... you would rather have a man in the white house that is a moron...... the man has been in office 8 years... fudgeing off everything... when asked what was the most memorable moment in office the man said " the day i cought a 8 lb bass at my ranch" are you kidding me.

LOL now i have to say that is pretty damn funny but still, i just dont have a good feeling about obama.

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really... you would rather have a man in the white house that is a moron...... the man has been in office 8 years... fudgeing off everything... when asked what was the most memorable moment in office the man said " the day i cought a 8 lb bass at my ranch" are you kidding me.

I don't think you guys understand. Bush and Obama are related. They both are supported by BIG MONEY. They both have allegience to big money. Therefore, they will be doing what the big money wants them to, because big money is what got them elected. You think they're going to do anything for the common people? Of course not. THERE WILL NOT BE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE 2. The only difference is the MANNER IN WHICH they take our freedoms, and centralize government.

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" i belive that humans and fish can peacfully coexist" - bush.

i can tell you tons of stupid shit this man says..

i mean the guy is an complete cocksucker imo.

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so all of yall who want obama want abortions, gay marriage, raised taxes, no guns, obama doesnt want christanity and all other religions, because he doesnt beleive in it. and think about this half of what you make goes to the government, you make 600. 300 goes to taxes:/ to me this "change" you all speak of is just :bull:

Abortions, sometimes, should not be looked down upon. Gay marrige, what effect does it have on you? Isn't the tax raise only on families making upwards of 250k a year? (Which doesn't effect most people.) I HIGHLY doubt Obama would ever attack another religion.

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" i belive that humans and fish can peacfully coexist" - bush.

i can tell you tons of stupid chit this man says..

i mean the guy is an complete cocksucker imo.

ye i wasnt saying he was the best president in the world.. not at all my intentions. but obama is going to do alot worse than him

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i'm for Obama. why would i want father time as a president. take a good look at Mccain he looks like a bad guy from a movie...

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i supproted ross paro for president also!

so its not so much that im for obama im just not agaist him.

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so all of yall who want obama want abortions, gay marriage, raised taxes, no guns, obama doesnt want christanity and all other religions, because he doesnt beleive in it. and think about this half of what you make goes to the government, you make 600. 300 goes to taxes:/ to me this "change" you all speak of is just :bull:

Abortions, sometimes, should not be looked down upon. Gay marrige, what effect does it have on you? Isn't the tax raise only on families making upwards of 250k a year? (Which doesn't effect most people.) I HIGHLY doubt Obama would ever attack another religion.

it doesnt but who wants it? do you? and most people are going to LOSE THEIR JOBS. army depots. everything like that. and if hes attacked everything else then why wouldnt he go ahead and go through with attacking religions?

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