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Opinions on sub and amp

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I've got a leftover system that was in my truck, that I'm going to be putting into my car. I'm not sure what the general opinion on my equipment is, though....I've got a Phoenix Gold Octane R DVC 12" sub, in a ported box right now (tuned to 37hz), and a Audio Systems Twister F4>380 4-channel amp. (http://www.audiosystem-america.com/f4380.html)

What are your guys' opinion on this? I'm not sure of the RMS of the sub, so would it be safe to bridge 2 channels for each coil, or should I just run it as a 4-channel amp? If I do that, then I can also use it to power a set of door speakers.

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The better question is what was your opinion of it. Much better place to start.

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I find it's not too bad sealed, but I didn't like the sound of it ported. Maybe it's just how the box was tuned though. Putting it in a sealed box in my car; maybe that will make a difference. But how's the quality of the sub and amp, from your guys' experience?

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phoenix gold makes decent stuff. I've never heard of the amp. The tuning of that ported box is likely a little bit high, reduce it to 30-32 hz and see how you like it. It should clean up a bit. What size is the box?

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The box is about this big:


Only difference is, it was made out of 1/2" mdf as opposed to 3/4" mdf

Edited by WhiteFiver

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1/2" and 37hz is no surprise it doesn't sound good :(

I find it's not too bad sealed, but I didn't like the sound of it ported. Maybe it's just how the box was tuned though. Putting it in a sealed box in my car; maybe that will make a difference. But how's the quality of the sub and amp, from your guys' experience?

What about not too bad isn't what you like? Again, what we think about it doesn't matter at all, what you think matters, the system is for you. If there is something about it you don't like we can help though.

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I agree, with a little more info maybe we can figure out a better direction to go with the box or if a new one is needed.

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Well...a new box design is definitely in order, as this box was built for my truck, but the sub and amp are going in my car. I find that it can hit some really low stuff somewhat decently, but the rest of the frequencies don't sound that good.

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Sounds like too low of a tune for you then

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Well...a new box design is definitely in order, as this box was built for my truck, but the sub and amp are going in my car. I find that it can hit some really low stuff somewhat decently, but the rest of the frequencies don't sound that good.

What do you mean by "the rest of the frequencies?" Could this be a front stage issue instead?

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Sorry....let me clarify. You know how there's certain songs with a really low bass line in it? The sub sounds good on those, but it sounds horrible on the 'higher' sub frequencies. It sounds.....I"m not sure how else to explain it. But I do know at this point that I'll be going sealed in my car. What would be a good tuning frequency to aim for? I listen to a lot of metal, and a fair amount of rock.

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Have you tried sine tones to figure out what frequency it is that isn't being played well for you?

Personally I blame your front stage as your sub already is playing to high for my tastes being tuned to 37hz, I normally roll mine off not much above that.

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or maybe its tuned to high and the sub just over excursion playing before Fb

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individual frequencies, aka one note.

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the audio system amp is a good amp, but when i heard it, its used for the front stage, it sounds clean and smooth but a bit towards the bright side. best bet is to use it with softdomes rather than metal/aluminun tweets if you want good sound. but for a loud and clear setup, metal/aluminum tweets would give the extra ounce of highs needed, but again may sound fatuiging when inside. could be change though, possibly with some EQ setting.

for sub use, sorry but no experience yet. but you sure could try it...

at the end its still your ears who will decide.

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