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New Setup need ideas

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I am building my first system my car. I have done lots of research and have come up with this.

Its a 2003 dodge neon.

My budget is about $1000 (+-$100)

I listen mainly listen to hip-hop, rap, techno (trance).

Then some classic rock, some metal, and some alternative

I am looking for great SQ let me repeat that SQ is the top priority in this build, but I still would like to be able to turn up the bass to loud levels and impress people

I want something that will give adjustability especially the bass. Will an amp with a remote give me this adjustability?

This is my list so far but I am willing to completely change it based on your suggestions.

Head Unit-/link http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/Pr...roductID=19512/

Font speakers-/link http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/Pr...roductID=17563/

Rear speakers-/link http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/Pr...roductID=17564/

Amp for interior speakers-/link http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/Pr...ProductID=19584


I am thinking a sealed box (for better SQ) probably pre-made as I currently don't have the tools to make one but I may try to build one if you advise its the best choice.

Probably this one-/link http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_7604_S...+2H12-1.5.html/

I was originally thinking two of these-/link http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/Pr...roductID=17651/

or these-/link http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/Pr...roductID=16898/

but I got scared because they don't seem too popular and I am not too sure on SQ or general quality

now I am looking at two of these-/link http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_4281_A...+-TYPE+R-.html/

how good is the SQ on these subs?

I am also think two twelves might just be too much bass and I wont be able to hear the music.

would one really good twelve be better in terms of SQ and SPL as far as bang for the buck

I kind like the idea of just one really good 12" I think that would be a little cheaper what would you suggest?

some one suggested a fi Q series they seem good but I could only afford to buy one what do you suggest I think it could still out perform two cheap twelves.

heres the amp I was planning to use wit the type Rs-/link http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/Pr...roductID=19580/

I know Hifonics isnt the best but i have read that they are good bang for the buck

Finally what wires to use? are some brands better than others

I have been looking at -/link http://www.knukonceptz.com/productMaster.c...0Interconnects/

but their stuff is really expensive any ideas?

I know this is a long post but I tried to be specific thanks in advanced for any help.

Edited by perezreyesm

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I think there are better choices out there.

Sundown 50.4 (could run active front stage)

Sundown 1000D

Mach 5 IXL 12

There is alot of great guys here who can help you out with SQ set up if thats what you really are looking for. From the choices you have there (prefab, hifonics, low end kenwood) not good for SQ

I would rather buy better quality gear. I believe these are with in your budget

just my opinion


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