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06 Scion xB

Nightshade 12 vs. Massive audio DMX 12?

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What's the opinion from everyone, would there be a big difference by switching from a Massive Audio DMX 12 to a Nightshade 12?

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i never owned a Massive Audio sub...

but the nightshades to put other subs to shame.....

very loud sir very loud.

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bigjon i was wondering why do you have 2 2/0 runs of ground and only 1 1/0 run of +. i would think the other way around or kinda even it since the positive will have the most resistance due to the longer run

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lol, you posted in Sundown's forum, do you really think anyone is going to post anything different.

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patented is correct and i have to say the only person that can give this guy advice is the guy that tried both subs.

but no doubt the nightshades would be a good choice.

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bigjon i was wondering why do you have 2 2/0 runs of ground and only 1 1/0 run of +. i would think the other way around or kinda even it since the positive will have the most resistance due to the longer run

i did two runs of 2/0 - for my goliath,

i didnt want any ground problems,

i have a few more runs of 0 to make on the + side,

but i have no problems with the way it is..

but i do see where your comming from.

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I ran the old style DMX 15 for a while... (old style being 2002ish)

I swapped in several different 15's and ALL out-preformed, Concept CPT-15, MA Audio SYnergY 15, MA Audio 15XL..... ect..ect.. I've yet to run a nightshade but... with my experience with the DMX I'd say the Nightshade should put it down easily. Not that the DMX is a bad woofer... Just wasn't for me.

I paid 650 for the dmx and sold it for 150 shortly after just to get rid of that paper-weight.

*on a side note the DMX didn't do bad on low power apps but when you added some Juice the other woofers really put it to shame

And not to totally bash the DMX:

The dmx did well in a 4.5 cube @ 35hz in my Box-S-10 Blazer. 147's sealed on the dash off 1800 watts

the other woofers were louder...

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