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The Dalton

Sundown SAZ-1500d

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While driving my amp turned off and inspecting it I found that all four fuses on the amp were blown.

What all could have possibly caused this?

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While driving my amp turned off and inspecting it I found that all four fuses on the amp were blown.

What all could have possibly caused this?

Fuses pop because their limit has been surpassed for a predetermined amount of time.

Thus. your fuses on your amp popped because they drew/received more amperage than they're rated for for x number of seconds.

Loose power wire or ground? Something blown on the amp? Replace them, and see if they pop again.

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my remote wire was a little loose but I don't think that it draws enough to cause all four to blow.. I was cranking it up pretty hard so I don't know.. the fuse from the battery didn't blow. I replaced them for now but I still have no idea what caused it.

Thanks for the reply though

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