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19Ov.2 motor recone??

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I have a blown 19Ov.2 Is it possible to get a recone for this motor??? The VC is 2.5"

I'd like to recone it down to a 12 or a 10 if possible.


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Kind of doubt it , get a set of calipers and tell us the top plate height and the OD of the pole piece and ID of the top plate and we can tell you if we can do it or not...

I'd say that it's some sort of odd ball measurement that we probably can't do much with.

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That's not accurate enough.

I'm talking we need it down to the thousandth of an inch. Those coils are probably something weird like 2.504 or something...

Only way you can do it is by cutting the sub apart and giving us the ID of the coil, the OD of the coil, The winding height, and how tall the top plate is...

Aside from that we can't even use that basket with our parts...

I really doubt we can do anything with it honestly.


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