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i dont think the economy will ever go back to what it was in the beginning, to many jobs are moving over seas for it to be the same.

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i dont think the economy will ever go back to what it was in the beginning, to many jobs are moving over seas for it to be the same.

that and a large part of it was fluff to begin with

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i dont think the economy will ever go back to what it was in the beginning, to many jobs are moving over seas for it to be the same.

that and a large part of it was fluff to begin with

That is exactly what I said a few weeks ago in here.

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thanks banking/financial sector :suicide-santa:

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Posting from the new Motorola Droid. Definitely a feature packed phone.

How do you like it?

So far I like it a lot. I think it is much better than the iPhone, but to be fair I've only used an iPhone once. Android 2.0 is wicked fast and voice-to-search has me hooked.

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i dont think the economy will ever go back to what it was in the beginning, to many jobs are moving over seas for it to be the same.

that and a large part of it was fluff to begin with

That is exactly what I said a few weeks ago in here.

And unless the American work/education ethic changes back to being somewhat useful we are well on our way to being a 2nd world country. Come on kiddies, buckle down and do SOMETHING.

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i dont think the economy will ever go back to what it was in the beginning, to many jobs are moving over seas for it to be the same.

that and a large part of it was fluff to begin with

That is exactly what I said a few weeks ago in here.

And unless the American work/education ethic changes back to being somewhat useful we are well on our way to being a 2nd world country. Come on kiddies, buckle down and do SOMETHING.

Not enough free thinkers in our generations and nobody's got a sac big enough to do anything about it.

And the way things go today, if you do anything outside of what the government thinks should be done, you're probably considered a terrorist.

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i dont think the economy will ever go back to what it was in the beginning, to many jobs are moving over seas for it to be the same.

that and a large part of it was fluff to begin with

That is exactly what I said a few weeks ago in here.

And unless the American work/education ethic changes back to being somewhat useful we are well on our way to being a 2nd world country. Come on kiddies, buckle down and do SOMETHING.

I believe we are on our way. As we get more college interns in they seem to think that they are just there for the money because they already know everything. SOMETHING= more than just filling a chair and picking up a check!

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People are retarded. I have believed this for years.

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For some reason I want to watch the OLD Saturday morning cartoons and find my Nintendo 16. :mario:

Thanks denim :)

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it seems the train of thought is just plain out of wack. ppl need to be more independent and their thoughts and make the effort to do own research rather than just listen to the news. I mean I can't get over how people actually think that if someone is making millions of dollars a year it is OK to take everything they make except leave them what they need to live on, which of course they think they can decide. Don't understand that thought....and then they're the people that don't understand how every government program is broke and loses money. One guy actually tried telling me social security was not a failing program and that it was not going broke. Amazing.....

but about the phone lol, yeh a friend that was over last night had one and it seemed pretty sick, the only thing is it seems like every phone is just taking idea from iphone and trying to incorporate something a little different, so in essence to get the best phone you still need an iphone. I admit I have the verizon copy-cat and it's nothing compared to iphone.

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i dont think the economy will ever go back to what it was in the beginning, to many jobs are moving over seas for it to be the same.

that and a large part of it was fluff to begin with

That is exactly what I said a few weeks ago in here.

And unless the American work/education ethic changes back to being somewhat useful we are well on our way to being a 2nd world country. Come on kiddies, buckle down and do SOMETHING.

I believe we are on our way. As we get more college interns in they seem to think that they are just there for the money because they already know everything. SOMETHING= more than just filling a chair and picking up a check!

I see it getting worse, I also think the whole socialist propaganda that Obama is pushing is going to further make it worse. Why try when you get everything you need handed to you.

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i dont think the economy will ever go back to what it was in the beginning, to many jobs are moving over seas for it to be the same.

that and a large part of it was fluff to begin with

That is exactly what I said a few weeks ago in here.

And unless the American work/education ethic changes back to being somewhat useful we are well on our way to being a 2nd world country. Come on kiddies, buckle down and do SOMETHING.

I believe we are on our way. As we get more college interns in they seem to think that they are just there for the money because they already know everything. SOMETHING= more than just filling a chair and picking up a check!

I see it getting worse, I also think the whole socialist propaganda that Obama is pushing is going to further make it worse. Why try when you get everything you need handed to you.

Which is why I am considered a hardass because I refuse to accept that we need to adjust our standards lower to accept what they are willing to do!!

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:peepwall: Where did everybody go????

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at the very least we got those mouth breathing neocon/paleocons the hell out of power (for now)

where are we going, and why are we in this basket?

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Are you implying the American public are a lot like raccoons, meaning that are easily knocked off focus or task by something more publicized? If so I agree.

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I imply nothing

I know :) just want to throw that thought out there.

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