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Random photo time... homework procrastination and time to grab a beer...

The furniture I made, the truck use to be mine, we cut it in half, ran a driveshaft the ass and used it as an irrigation engine for 2 years till we went from flood to a center pivot on that field, and a random match pistol photo.







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Yes, that night stand looks spindly in the photos, but it is damn strong and doesn't look bad in person.

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So your gonna move to The Netherlands I take it eh?

Maybe Germany

Sure hope its not Germany. Or France for that matter. Nice places to visit, actually live their? Not so much...

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I've made a few more pieces of furniture too, don't have photos of them though. This summer my new project will be a bar for the next house. :)

Black Granite counter tops are going to go on it too. :)

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then again I'm a capitalist pig :lol:

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Car parts are delayed. Apparently, I cannot spend over $2K per day. Would have been nice to know this as I could've spaced the orders out and not had to wait an extra day for shipping.

Talked to a tuner as well and got a dyno session set up for June 13th.


seriously dude

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This is what I am pushing for. The slab we saw was not as flashy.


That looks like a tiger


it's the thrill of the fight?

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Does anyone here know anyone in the Biomedical Electronics Technology field?

Tons of customers working on Bio-devices.

I'm looking to get out of Nursing, and I'm looking at a school that offers Biomedical electronics. I'd really like to find out how I would get in with a company who builds MRI or CT machines though. Travel around and install those. I really don't know where to turn though.

isn't that what finebar does?

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Does anyone here know anyone in the Biomedical Electronics Technology field?

Tons of customers working on Bio-devices.

I'm looking to get out of Nursing, and I'm looking at a school that offers Biomedical electronics. I'd really like to find out how I would get in with a company who builds MRI or CT machines though. Travel around and install those. I really don't know where to turn though.

isn't that what finebar does?

Can't remember, haven't seen him around here in quite awhile though it seems like.

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I am way more worried about Europe than Asia, the lack of imagination in the Eastern world is going to hold it back but everyday Europe gets further and further ahead. Pretty simple to me, unless the current generation of parents start instilling a will to succeed and better themselves into their children the US is fucked. All the natural resources in the world won't help us if it doesn't happen.

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OK thinking that 10 times VAS would be correct in guessing where IB would begin to be a posibility, if I have 2 drivers that are 383L vas. That would mean 7660L or 120 Cubic feet.


Does that math sound right??

I think Scott from Fi says its supposed to be 20x VAS

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OK thinking that 10 times VAS would be correct in guessing where IB would begin to be a posibility, if I have 2 drivers that are 383L vas. That would mean 7660L or 120 Cubic feet.


Does that math sound right??

I think Scott from Fi says its supposed to be 20x VAS

For true IB, Qts=Qtc. Generall regarded though as 10x Vas idea but 4x and above you can accomplish it, although it won't be true IB.

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Ahahahaha. Nice to see someone has a sense of humor. :)

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Is it Friday yet?

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Hey Ryan, you want a K&N filter for your 'Bird? It needs cleaned, but is still good.

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Hey Ryan, you want a K&N filter for your 'Bird? It needs cleaned, but is still good.

Is it a panel filter? How much you want for it?

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Does anyone here know anyone in the Biomedical Electronics Technology field?

Tons of customers working on Bio-devices.

I'm looking to get out of Nursing, and I'm looking at a school that offers Biomedical electronics. I'd really like to find out how I would get in with a company who builds MRI or CT machines though. Travel around and install those. I really don't know where to turn though.

isn't that what finebar does?

Can't remember, haven't seen him around here in quite awhile though it seems like.

If anyone knows anyone they could put me in contact via email I'd really appreciate it.

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I would move to the middle of nowhere, i would NEVER live in amsterdam, nice place to visit, would never live there though (too fucking cold and wet amongst other things)

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Howdy HoP.

I have a fun little project that want to do. Years ago I bought one of these photo-7693.jpg and it was fun, I very good, hard hitting little sub. I took it out of my car one day, set it on the ground a bit too rough and I hear a loud "clank" come fro it. I push on the cone, and it wont move. I wiggle the box a little bit and I hear another "clank", I push on the cone and it moves now, but it feels weird. I take it out and the motor is just sitting at the bottom of the box. It sheered right off. Well I dissected it and it has sat in my room ever since. Now I want to rebuild it :) It is a pretty good and strong motor and basket; I want to have another toy to play with and break :) Can someone help me? The stock coil is ~2 5/8" and the spider is ~6.5". Can anyone give me advice to go about fixing my toy?

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a friend of mine had two of those but they were 15's and they hit like 130 on a tl

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