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Ryan2 and the other engineers, do your professors introduce themselves at all at the beginning of the semester?

I'm taking 4 engineering classes (3 MAE, 1 BME) and 1 psych class and the only one who said anything like "Hi, I'm ____" was the psych guy.

Its covered in the syllabus usualy which they verbally go over

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ya british petroleum

they have a plant near my home town.

the plant is in texas city, texas lol

that is about 25 mins from my house so that would be nice and one of my uncles already works there so it might be promising!

im just sort of confused with which way i wanna use my electrical degree. im not sure what branch of electrical engineering i wanna go down.

Texas City, eh? Try not to get blown up...

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ya british petroleum

they have a plant near my home town.

the plant is in texas city, texas lol

that is about 25 mins from my house so that would be nice and one of my uncles already works there so it might be promising!

im just sort of confused with which way i wanna use my electrical degree. im not sure what branch of electrical engineering i wanna go down.

BP stands for BP now. There is no more words associated with the letters. It once was British Pretroleum then Beyond Petroleum, and now is just BP

I guess if they went by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company nowadays it wouldn't be very PR-friendly :)

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<-- fucking retarded

Put in new hard drive, inserted Windows XP disk, at the partition screen I selected Quick format not thinking, to stop the process I rebooted, now when booting from CD in bios I get a

NTLDR is missing

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

*never ending loop

wtf??? the cd booted before :(

just tried, win98se and win2k startup disks but they won't allow me to hit "enter" for the next disk or to type :Doh:

USB keyboard works in the bios, but not with the startup disks? I really don't want to pull the drive and put it in an external case to format with my laptop but am beginning to think that is my only choice. :(

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You have some interestingly socially capable prof's down there.

you have no idea....

surprisingly, these are 3 of the better MAE profs I've had

the BME bitch is an evil cunt though

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sean, try a regular keyboard, had to do that for my sis's comp but not for the same loop problem. i forget the proper term for the keyboard, i think ps2? anyway they can be had for next to nothing

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Bacterium ....ok i'll stop

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sean, try a regular keyboard, had to do that for my sis's comp but not for the same loop problem. i forget the proper term for the keyboard, i think ps2? anyway they can be had for next to nothing

I don't have one here at this moment :( I figure that is the problem, I tried a PS2 adapter as well but obviously that didn't work.

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sean, try a regular keyboard, had to do that for my sis's comp but not for the same loop problem. i forget the proper term for the keyboard, i think ps2? anyway they can be had for next to nothing

I don't have one here at this moment :( I figure that is the problem, I tried a PS2 adapter as well but obviously that didn't work.


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Yeah, the USB drivers were handled differently in older versions of Windows on startup...

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And not so long ago of course I threw away my ps2 keyboard. :FUCK:

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that'll learn ye

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Just really wanted to say ye. it's a funny word.

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And not so long ago of course I threw away my ps2 keyboard. :FUCK:

Alright $20 for the bike I'll pay shipping and even send you a ps2 keyboard

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ya british petroleum

they have a plant near my home town.

the plant is in texas city, texas lol

that is about 25 mins from my house so that would be nice and one of my uncles already works there so it might be promising!

im just sort of confused with which way i wanna use my electrical degree. im not sure what branch of electrical engineering i wanna go down.

Texas City, eh? Try not to get blown up...

im goin to try

my uncle got lucky that day and wasnt at work!

that happened in his unit, so he would of been a gonner

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You're gonna have to be more specific. There's at least one explosion every year at Texas City...

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im really not sure which one but it was one of the recent ones

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Many social critics argue that today

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Just one more reason my kid is going to charter school

if and when I ever spawn

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