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There are some chipotle fans in here.

yep, and I think that's exactly why Sean included it

Definitely part of the reason. I can't believe that there aren't some little local burrito stands that aren't at least 10x better. Hell if we have another 8 options or so here in MN you guys surely have to. We are about as far from Mexico as you can get without going into Canada.

There are the little Mexican places that look like they really are straight off a street in Tijuana, but for the sake of my digestive track, I usually avoid them.

Nothing wrong with your water and they pretty much stew everything so it should be safer than some corporate pre-cooked and shipped meal that is dropped off in pseudo-refridgerated cars shipped around the country. I would feel much safer eating in a spot like that than in a standard fast food restaurant. Plus think of the other chit the big chains add to their food, it just isn't natural while I bet those stands are. I'd also guarantee the flavors are worlds better as well.

only place where i like to eat in town is one of the 3 fast-food shops that serve cooked food. not refirigerated, microwaved junk

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I have NEVER had real mexican, we don't have that stuff up here.

Although, my stomach do not like the spicy stuff.

i need to give up on eating spicy food.

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The worst is:

Killed, frozen, thawed, cooked, frozen, thawed, cooked, frozen, and then reheated. How is that good for meat? Fast food probably does the whole freeze thaw thing more often than that as well.

We can get King Crab from a variety of places here. One of them is a special importer. That importer only gets crab that are cooked and then frozen right on the boat. Nothing to rot and it is never defrosted again. On average when you buy crab legs at a grocery store they have gone through more than 7 freezing/thawing cycles. The flavor/texture difference is insane. It is so much better I can't hardly eat crab that isn't from my guy anymore. :(

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we do native american cuisine utilizing french techniques :) some of the stuff we do is authentic mexican food.

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I have NEVER had real mexican, we don't have that stuff up here.

Although, my stomach do not like the spicy stuff.

i need to give up on eating spicy food.

Of course, I am the guy that eats at the shady looking places in Mexico as well. I say fudge it I want the real deal. Doesn't mean I am stupid and eat lettuce and other water carrying raw things, but everything else you bet. Never gotten Montezuma's revenge from it either.

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we do native american cuisine utilizing french techniques :) some of the stuff we do is authentic mexican food.

Native American? You have stemmed my interest, please let me know more.

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Is there anything dealing with concrete that isn't loud?

watching it cure?

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lol i can cook beans

so do you braise them like the french?

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Is there anything dealing with concrete that isn't loud?

watching it cure?

writing your name in it with a stick.

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*have to keep posting so Tom can't catch up :D

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the webiste is too slow otherwise maybe I could post faster than he could read.

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damnit I have to clean my gutters and don't want ot

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Killed, frozen, thawed, cooked, frozen, thawed, cooked, frozen, and then reheated.

sounds yummy :mellow:

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You know what I can't get enough of? Buffalo... if done right, it is absolutely fantastic. Although, it is easy to overcook since it is so lean. I need to convince my parents to start raising buffalo instead of beef so I can get all the buffalo meat I want free, like I do with beef.

After having range beef my whole life, eating that crap in the stores is hard.... but I have rarely ever had to buy any :)

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Killed, frozen, thawed, cooked, frozen, thawed, cooked, frozen, and then reheated.

sounds yummy :mellow:

especially if it is heated in the microwave

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There are some chipotle fans in here.

yep, and I think that's exactly why Sean included it

Definitely part of the reason. I can't believe that there aren't some little local burrito stands that aren't at least 10x better. Hell if we have another 8 options or so here in MN you guys surely have to. We are about as far from Mexico as you can get without going into Canada.

There are the little Mexican places that look like they really are straight off a street in Tijuana, but for the sake of my digestive track, I usually avoid them.

Nothing wrong with your water and they pretty much stew everything so it should be safer than some corporate pre-cooked and shipped meal that is dropped off in pseudo-refridgerated cars shipped around the country. I would feel much safer eating in a spot like that than in a standard fast food restaurant. Plus think of the other shit the big chains add to their food, it just isn't natural while I bet those stands are. I'd also guarantee the flavors are worlds better as well.

perhaps I shall sometime then

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what's the matter TOm, cat got your tongue. There isn't that much to catch up on :D

bastard, that was like 15 pages to go through

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You know what I can't get enough of? Buffalo... if done right, it is absolutely fantastic. Although, it is easy to overcook since it is so lean. I need to convince my parents to start raising buffalo instead of beef so I can get all the buffalo meat I want free, like I do with beef.

After having range beef my whole life, eating that crap in the stores is hard.... but I have rarely ever had to buy any :)

gah foie and buffalo i eat way to much of. it can get old after awhile, luckily that isn't here yet lol

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You know what I can't get enough of? Buffalo... if done right, it is absolutely fantastic. Although, it is easy to overcook since it is so lean. I need to convince my parents to start raising buffalo instead of beef so I can get all the buffalo meat I want free, like I do with beef.

After having range beef my whole life, eating that crap in the stores is hard.... but I have rarely ever had to buy any :)

I like my buffalo rare to extra rare...especially if its the tenderloin. Yummy.

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Is there anything dealing with concrete that isn't loud?

watching it cure?

writing your name in it with a stick.

dammit, i knew i forgot something :(

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Not particularly looking forward to the interview I have tonight, but I'm heading back to NC for the weekend after it anyway.

Long highway trips are good for de-stressing anyway.

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why is it that i read faster when m5 posts lol

you can call me Sean

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