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Turns out the propeller isn't off of a plane. Instead it is off of a wind powered generator that was used eons ago as the first electricity my grandmother had. Its OLD. FTL.

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Imma kill brandon

he better have a good excuse why he didnt talk to me about the shirts and the TC3000

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No posts in here for 2hrs, wtf?

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I got superglue on my jeans. FTL

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In 4-H I help the kids build model rockets for fair, and when we went to shoot them off today, I found out that something got messed up on one of them. There is a small ring that keeps the engine in the rocket, well, that was int he wrong spot and didn't allow the engine to seat fully. So I got the fun job of hacking it out with an exacto knife. After most was hacked out I got to sand the rest out so an engine could get past where it was. When that task was done I had the job of fabricating a new ring out of a spent engine and some glue. I wasen't sure if I had enough glue on there, so I used some superglue to be sure. The only stuff we had that I could find had the viscosity of gasoline. It ended up dripping on my jeans and hands, nasty.

Never, Never, Never look into a cardboard tube that you jut put superglue into to see if it went in the correct spot. Talk about major fumes. *stupid*

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That was a long post...

That took the better part of 45 min also.

I didn't let the kid do to much, because, well, I was afraid he would slice his thumb off with the knife. It wasen't exactly the best way to use the exacto knife for untrained hands.

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At least it's not between your fingers.

True, instead it dripped into my palm.

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I keep hearing things in my head.

"I'm freakin' out man."

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I'm having troubles finding good, cheaper horn tweets for my 3 way project. Any suggestions?

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Unless you want some pro audio ones you are pretty much screwed

Fudge, I guess I might attempt to find some pro audio ones then...

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they are a tad on the MASSIVE side


This little voice in the back of my head keeps saying scrap the 3ways, go line arrays... I'm not sure If I'd have room for line arrays in a dorm though. :ehh:

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