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MN Mafia Master, Woot!

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im out, gotta see if i can get a good 12v constant to my CD player.

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Just borrowed a set of discs to replace a large chunk of my tapes. I have one heck of a GD collection, but a buddy of mine has everything live that they have released lately. CD collection just went up another 300 discs and I no longer have to digitize tapes--at least most of them.

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I have > 600 tapes, almost all are rare live recordings this includes 65 or so live Jimi recordings that are not released. I'd love to have better copies, but if they aren't available what do you do.

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Im listening to the radio here at home.

Supposedly some school had the nickle on the front of their year book.....

They blurred out " in god we trust" on the front because they figured other religions would be offended.

Then the host is asking what religion would be offended...

Athiesiam (sp) isnt really a religion

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Tapes don't sound that bad if you have a good recording and tape player. I have a mid-90's Sony ES and usually find it to sound better than most of my friends CD setups. Of course, a good cd on my system will sound better. That and I no longer have any patience for fast forward or rewind. Since my truck has the LT package it has both tape and CD. For chits and giggles I brought out some tapes to play and yep, as you say it sounds so bad--does with CD's though too.

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I'd say good tape > satellite radio for SQ.

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Tooke me 30min and 3 tries and i finally just ran my own. Sweet thing is while i had my interioir torn apart i went ahead and ran my remote turnon too so i wouldnt have to flip a switch like i did before because before i was running the stock HU. Xover, volume, and track settings are staying now :D

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Tapes? bleh

Only tape-based medium I'd mess with for serious hi-fi is 7 1/2" LPS open reel...but that's inconvienent like woah.

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Vinyl is more user friendly and more available...new artists aren't releasing anything on tape :)

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Hey, I never said serious hi-fi just a method of storing unavailable music. I'd prefer to have them digital or truly analog ;)

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Aargh, I have to go clean my garage.

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To do list for today:

mount front trim pieces on cabinet

cut & assemble wooden bases for monoblocks

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