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mmm salad and garlic knots

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:( sorry

can you put a system in a tractor?

I have a rant about the damn John Deere people who design the pucking cabs on their new tractors.

Where in the cab of a tractor would they put the damn speaker? In the pilliars, HELLL NO. They decide its a fine idea to put the speakers in the FRICKING ROOF, its like GOD IS TALKING TO YOU. Sound is not supposed to come from ABOVE YOU DAMMNIT! It is 4 crappy speakers right above you pumuling you with music from above... Damn then engineers. Someone needs to be kicked in the nuts for that.

Next time I stop in there I will give them chit.

Oh please do, cause their audio sucks. (This one is a JD 8100)

Nice truck man :fing34:

I have to go to Waterloo (engine plant), the Quad Cities (Combine), and the construction group in Dubuque in the next few months. I will give them chit, sitting all day in something with out comforts is silly. Especially when you are talking somewhere in the realm of 0.02% of the price of the vehicle.

It isn't Horrible, just gets kinda annyoing having sound come down from above, well, more than kinda to me, but then you have to realize, alot of farmers have lost alot of hearing and could care less about high quality audio. It wouldn't take a whole lot to have some speakers comming off of the corner pillars at about ear level, you don't look out that point in the cab anyways, and no the right side, its blocked by the muffler so it won't even matter on that side.

But anywho, would be cool to have better radio/sound in there.

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well, since we are posting truck pics..lol..

here's the newly lifted (leveled front end) of my truck...




and a couple of what it looked like when i first got it...notice the difference in the gap of the front wheel well.....



2" or so makes a bit of difference..lol..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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This is in case STEVE READs THIS

I have a gross question to ask you.

So let me know when you would like it asked.

It's anatomy..and it will ruin your dinner.

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geez all of you didn't have to disappear...I wasn't asking yet.


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Hello ladies :P

how've u been guys..

didnt log for a while...

how u doing all...

any new mods :P

and whats new in the industry ?

is there any new crazy products...

i've been busy with college projects and all that stuff...

any ways hope u r all doing fine


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Mods haven't changed...nor will they ever likely :)

Whole bunch of new members...

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The Grammar Ninja lies in the shadows.

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wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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didn't work today, but did get things accomplished...

got truck aligned...

got tires mounted and balanced on scooter while i installed new rear brakes.......

even got better tires then i bought..hehe

mowed the grass....

got the swimming pool all ready for memorial day.....

redid the steps going into the shed....


i worked harder at home then i do at work...lol..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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time to go drink a margarita or three...or four..



wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Finally placed my parts express order. I now have bucking mangnets on the way so I can setup the new TV speakers and get the rack gear and BLH's up and runnin again. (along with various other stuff too)

I just remembered I have 2 old 10" Kicker Comp VR's I think I'm gonna port one for the woofer to run in the TV room. Now just have to design a box...

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Officially the first time I've done that ^^

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