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on second thought, we're either short, or tall as fuk

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what did i do.....   

230gr of .45 FMJ entered one side of my forearm, and exited the other side.  Been just over a year now.  There's still a fragment between the ulna and radius and now the muscles and bones are starting to not lik eit so much.  I notice it when turning the wrist, usually with something in my hand (think of pouring out a cup of coffee) the bone catches and i can't move the arm any further, drop whatever i'm holding then pop the arm past the...whatever. 


:-/  145lbs 5'6"  so you can imagine i didn't have much arm to fight off the .45 

for the anatomy people...obviously i killed both the bones, i have internal fixation, none of the muscles were severed completely but most were somewhat.  One of the arteries were grazed also (radial i think)

wow, thats nasty lookin

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is Tom considered short? I don't quite remember how tall he was.

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if you think the x-ray is nasty, you should have seen the arm, i have a picture of the pants i was wearing, totally covered in blood. Its funny now to look back and talk about, not funny at all that night though

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i'm 5'10" so i'm kinda in the middle

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tom would be like 8+ foot. if he spiked his hair....

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i'd like to see some pix :)

kinda sad i never took pix when i crashed my car. it was gangsta.

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Vladd, that is a Nasty looking x-ray. If you don't mind saying (or my asking), how did that happen?

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a girl. i know bought a new car. she took me for a ride in it. she crashed it like 2 days later. she sent me pics.

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a rock took out my vw logo on the grill. it has a small dent in it. i cried for a couple days.

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a girl. i know bought a new car. she took me for a ride in it. she crashed it like 2 days later. she sent me pics.


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i have no pics of that night, the one pic that was taken got blocked by the big guy in the ambulance.

A lot of people ask how it happened, truth is i have no god damn idea, lol. I remember everything from the second after the gun went off, blood splattering, holding my hand on (it was Mr. Floppy to the extreme). But i don't remember anything before.

It was self inflicted, but i still don't really know how, Dad and i were cleanign the guns, we're always uber careful, and the guns were unloaded, i know because i completely detail stripped the 1911, i remember putting it back together, then next thing is...ringing blood and trying to tell mom to call the ambulance

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