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I gotta work on my enclosure today too Mike2.

What tools you gonna use? I gotta use the jig, the orbital sander, and a pencil. Might get the router out but I'm not sure if I'll get that far.

take pics please

Prelim. work log going up in HT section of CA.com...... maybe here if I don't feel too lazy.

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My enclosure was an 1" too wide lol. We smashed it into place and had a hard time taking it out, so I had to cut off an inch.


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I measured the floor and it was the right width. I just didnt measure the width up high, which was smaller :P

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My enclosure was an 1" too wide lol. We smashed it into place and had a hard time taking it out, so I had to cut off an inch.


I thought you said you were just starting it? Nice though.

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That's 2 day's work. So I didn't just start I guess. Awaiting my PE order for carpet/grill, and the mag itself.

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i did that with the brahama enclosure

had to take out the spare tire since i wasnt about to make another enclosure.

I see you are usign the workers tools nicely.

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Anyone have any suggestions for some really cheap-ass 12" drivers? Like...really cheap.

Thinking about getting a pair, putting them in the spare 12" 29Hz ported enclosure I have back in Carolina and building a port plug to make it a temporary fartbox.

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Anyone have any suggestions for some really cheap-ass 12" drivers? Like...really cheap.

Thinking about getting a pair, putting them in the spare 12" 29Hz ported enclosure I have back in Carolina and building a port plug to make it a temporary fartbox.

infinity reference 12's on ebay

you can get one for like $30-40 brand new

They arent to shabby either

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x2. the infinity ref's are about the cheapest half decent woofer.

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Dennis, you still planning in using the DLS plexi ?

I think you should

Yea. The only diff between the cover of this rack and Sean Prawn is that this one won't have windows in front of the amps. The DLS plexi will be in the same place.

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Dennis, you still planning in using the DLS plexi ?

I think you should

Yea. The only diff between the cover of this rack and Sean Prawn is that this one won't have windows in front of the amps. The DLS plexi will be in the same place.

Coo coo

Are you going to change the colour ?

I shouldve swiped the blue LED's from the acclaim, i totally forgot about them

I wouldve sent them to you for free

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Those ones that are in your dash ?

The ones i had were just the led only, no housing

they had long wires on them too

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Anyone have any suggestions for some really cheap-ass 12" drivers? Like...really cheap.

Thinking about getting a pair, putting them in the spare 12" 29Hz ported enclosure I have back in Carolina and building a port plug to make it a temporary fartbox.

i have a pair of 12" Kicker CVRs if youre interested at all

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Anyone have any suggestions for some really cheap-ass 12" drivers? Like...really cheap.

Thinking about getting a pair, putting them in the spare 12" 29Hz ported enclosure I have back in Carolina and building a port plug to make it a temporary fartbox.

i have a pair of 12" Kicker CVRs if youre interested at all

Do it jim...do it

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I saw a HHR today, i threw up in my mouth

Later in the day i saw a new caliber, its sooooo much better looking than the HHR.

And hyundai has a new SUV called the tuscon

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just pre-registered for classes for next semester

MAE 212 (4)

MAE 214 (1)

MAT 272 (4)

PHY 131 (3)

PHY 132 (1)

PGS 222 (3)


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I saw the sweetest car ever today

Subaru Bart.

Its a 4wd car that is like a small el camino with seats in the "bed"

I had a Brat.

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i pucking hate Internet explorer, it just closed on its own and shut down all the chit i had open (class stuff for summer) pucking fudge fudge

the 960 says to not use the internal amp when in the pro mode,  i didn't read it clearly, i will later when i have time.  So far i love the added features though, the screen in the up position is a beautiful thing (very very basic)

EFF the internal amp, not like you are driving a school bus sized burban.

Could be worse, could be German car. I could afford to buy a Burban, perhaps two, for the price of fixing one when it breaks, which is often.

(S6 in the shop from July last year, until 2 months ago, back one week, light on, back in the shop for 3 months, back 2 weeks. Out? 4k) Samll price to pay for blingin? Pfft.

My car has cheap parts, you just bought the wrong German car. Easy to fix too.

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