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Stupid supplement place.

Walked in ... "Hey, I'm looking for a muscle builder. You know what I'm looking for, I know what I'm looking for. Doesn't have to be on the shelf for me to buy it."

'Sorry, we don't have any under the counter products here.'

Buullllllchit. Guess I talked to the wrong guy.

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Little bastard deserved it.... shouldn't fight in little league hockey.

Have to disagree there. If you aren't willing to put your body into it you shouldn't play. The dad should be fined for assault that bastard has no place being out on the ice. Of course the attempted blind siding should be punished severely as well.

The dad should have just stopped the kid, not punch him. Or done the people's elbow.

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TeamSSAudio and DIYaudio...

Your partnership for a CarAudio.com-free America.

Just the first one buddy. There are some anal bastards on the latter that like to throw around their "book" knowledge and some other fan boys as well. Still rather good, but I don't like it as much as when I first started wisiting it.

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Dehydrated water?


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Justin, IMO, AP is going to be the way to go without buidling an enclosure in the door. In my experience, no matter what the driver, you will still have muddy midbass running IB in the door. Some are a lot better than others, but I've never been fully satisfied without running them enclosed and tuned.

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Hey Steve-o, how's neurobio? I shall be taking that and the corresponding lab this coming quarter.

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I hate it when you email someone wanting to buy something and they say, "cool, send the money and I'll ship it." Then I say, "well, you're not too far away, how about a pickup?" Then they say, "oh no, I'm not down with just meeting someone on the internet to sell something." Scammers.

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I should've know $380 was too good for a week old 13W7.

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Guess who's getting a hookup on ARC?

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Hey Steve-o, how's neurobio? I shall be taking that and the corresponding lab this coming quarter.

Are you going on in the health sciences?

It's a good course - I liked it. Two of favorite topics were electrophysiology and neuroanatomy.

If you've taken A, P, or A & P before you should have good base knowledge to build fom.

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3 days in a row my office has sent me Fedex without warning. I am sick of driving to the pick up place. Last time it was for a friggin' $31 check and a picture.

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My amp should be here Fri though. :)

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Hmm. 16V Volvo to 2.3 Ford headswap?

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Too much work.

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I'll keep my junkyard parts.

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i have one new toy, soon i will have many new toys

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