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I just went through 40-50 threads on SiN to try and find a good idea for x-over settings.

Extremis in doors IB 60-150hz?  40-150hz? 40-200hz?  Grr....

4" lotus mids 150-2.5k? 200-2.5k? 3.5k?

tweets at 2.5k? 3k? 3.5k?


Need some ideas for a couple things.

1)good 4 way x-over with 12-24dB adjustable slopes. (mag or XXX, extremis, lotus, and tweets)

2) still undecided on tweets.  any ideas?

3)need an amp for the extremis.  I was thinking 50-75rms per driver in IB.  Any ideas for an amp?

You have the FR response plots for the lotus? I'd assume they can run up higher than 3.5k and would imagine they sound sweet, if so you could get a tweet with a more extended top end in a pretty small format. I'd guess the Extremis might do 55Hz and probably roll off pretty naturally. Top end start at 300Hz and work your way down.

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I'm about to cut my fingers and knees off.  Joint pain FTL.

My knees are pretty bad with the weather changes. BTW...78* tomorrow and 82* Wed :P

I would ask you if you want more of the sport pills, but you didnt seem to like them. Well, you didnt seem to like to take them :)

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Can you fit the Behringer? Makes the HU easier.

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I just went through 40-50 threads on SiN to try and find a good idea for x-over settings.

Extremis in doors IB 60-150hz?

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Really its to take the load off the midranges and the sub. The lotus mids struggle with the lower mid-bass (60-80hz) its not bad, but not perfect ;)

The mag is peaky as funk at 60-80hz. Big selaed box, but small cab in the truck. So I need to get a bridge to the two, extremis seemed like they would fit the bill nicely.

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I just went through 40-50 threads on SiN to try and find a good idea for x-over settings.

Extremis in doors IB 60-150hz?

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I would ask you if you want more of the sport pills, but you didnt seem to like them.  Well, you didnt seem to like to take them :)

They seem to work fairly well, but you're right - I hate the taste of them :P

I'm interested in stuff that the stupid pucking Canadian goverment doesn't allow in Canada. Pisses me off. Can't even buy DHEA in Canada!

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I would ask you if you want more of the sport pills, but you didnt seem to like them.

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your extremii have push terminals and mine dont. wtf!

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your extremii have push terminals and mine dont. wtf!

I am loved?

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Seriously?  Are you able to have it shipped or would customs have your arse?

If I bought it from a supplements place in the US and had it shipped up here and it was marked on the box, they'd open it, pop a few, and send them back at my expense.

It's just not worth the risk of trying to ship them up here. I'm going to try and see the local place has. Pretty shady place, but now that I'm teaching I'll get the lab to test it so I don't die.

On the topic of teaching, it's amazing just how many stupid people actually get into college. Really. It's unbelievable.

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On the topic of teaching, it's amazing just how many stupid people actually get into college.  Really.  It's unbelievable.

Here it is understandable as colleges make money..."f'it let the bastages in we can make a buck."

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your extremii have push terminals and mine dont. wtf!

I am loved?

you bought Jason's didnt you?

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On the topic of teaching, it's amazing just how many stupid people actually get into college.

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On the topic of teaching, it's amazing just how many stupid people actually get into college.  Really.  It's unbelievable.

i have a feeling if you tried to teach an intro level class here you would kill atleast a few of the dumbasses, they're so unbelievably stupid

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On the topic of teaching, it's amazing just how many stupid people actually get into college.  Really.  It's unbelievable.

i have a feeling if you tried to teach an intro level class here you would kill atleast a few of the dumbasses, they're so unbelievably stupid


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Just got banned on canadiancaraudio.com :D

how'd you manage that?

The new owner of the board banned a bunch of the original members of the board, so I raised a little ruckus.

This is what got me the ban stick:

Admin giving the mods the banstick


Edited by ANeonRider

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I thought you would have said something like hockey is bad, or Budweiser is better than Labatt or something like that :lol2:

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saying bud is better than anything should get you a ban

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hey ho neighbors....

the ban stick eh scott? lol...

oh yeah...


just ....


wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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