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took my physics midterm, wasnt too bad.

stupid tard next to me kept b1tching to himself about something.

"omg those people are starting early!"

"aw chit"

"omg i'm dumb"

just shut up and take the test.

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in all seriousness, I think I want to buy a type r. I also want a box that has the efficiency of one of them tcab boxes, just dont want to pay that much. anyone know where I can find one, or the design of one?

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anyone a BB employee here? was wondering how much the 12" type-r would cost with employee discount. gonna ask my friend that works there, but he doesnt know chit about CA and i'd have to go there and point it out.

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Uh....do we sell litre cola?

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I'm listening to Pearl Jam's live show they played here a month ago. It's pucking awesome.

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Goodnight all!

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my god man! this topics still around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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my god man! this topics still around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice to see you stop by :)

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my god man! this topics still around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woah...who is that loozer??? J/K

welcome back man!!

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I'm listening to Pearl Jam's live show they played here a month ago. It's pucking awesome.

One of my fav bands.

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The 'rearviewmirror' discs have been getting some playtime here lately.

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Goodnight all!  Me have new speakers!  Going to have good dreams tonight.

Did you snatch up those Coustic DR's??

All but three of the 306Es. Eight drivers for $180 shipped is a great deal if you ask me. Especially for these.

You'll be very pleased with them. I absolutely love my Coustic 306P's. They sound fantastic and can really hammer out the midbass (hell, they can hammer out bass pretty damn well).

So, if you find you don't want or need them at a future point in time....toss them my way ;)

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So I cleaned my shower...Forgot to turn the lever for the faucet instead of the shower head. I got owned by really cold water :P

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I'm listening to Pearl Jam's live show they played here a month ago. It's pucking awesome.

One of my fav bands.

I waited 10 years for them to come back. Derr I'm going to take on ticket master. Stupid bastard. Oh well, it was much kickassery. It's on TorrentSpy actually.


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I love when I first wake up in the morning, and I turn on my shower and don't get out of the way quick enough and cold water gets on my head. Wakes me up for sure.

I'm very tired tonight, I think I may play some WOW for a bit and go to bed =/. I = teh lazy :ghost::ghost:

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So I cleaned my shower...Forgot to turn the lever for the faucet instead of the shower head.  I got owned by really cold water :P

better cold than scalding.

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So I cleaned my shower...Forgot to turn the lever for the faucet instead of the shower head.

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"Going to the bank"

Almost walking into the slowly opening automatic doors. Minus one point.

Waiting in line with zero patience. Minus ten points.

Seeing the extremely hot tellers fresh out of university. Plus 15 points.

Waiting (again, zero patience) while the extremely hot teller (+ five points, just because) draws up two money orders. Minus three points.

Looks like it'll be a positive experience tomorrow.

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took my physics midterm, wasnt too bad.

stupid tard next to me kept b1tching to himself about something.

"omg those people are starting early!"

"aw chit"

"omg i'm dumb"

just shut up and take the test.

fudge, i hate that so much

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