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I really wish the caraudio.com admin would give us the tools to do our jobs properly ... Mods on almost any other forum can do a hell of a lot more and they don't have nearly as many problems as we do ...

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Is it just that some people are doing good installs in certain boxes and hitting high numbers, and other people see that and want to go get one. Or is it that they are really good for daily. It just seems that people are impressed with these numbers, even though they probly wont be competing and wont be using a box like the boxes being built for them. IDK.

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People are sheep and, apparently, they're very willing to follow sheppard spkrman ... His tests do seem to prove that that Type-R is a pretty potent SPL sub, though. I'm not sure about his "SQ" tests or the advertisement that he's sending the sub 2500 watts during the testing ... Most sheep will most likely end up blowing their subs WHEN they try it ... Then those sheep will turn on the Type-R because it blew (it's ALWAYS the woofer's fault) ... Oh the joys of the bandwagon cycle ...

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I dont understand why he wants to prove this sub so bad though. What does he stand to gain? I guess we'll just have to wait and see what everyone thinks once they get theirs installed or whatever. See what they say then. But I believe that people will make themselves believe that it is really good, no matter hwo it really sounds.

Why did it cut half my post on editing?

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You can find fault with any test, fortunately ...

1) He used the same 2 enclosures for all 3 subs. They may only be optomized for 1 sub.

2) He said the RL-p was reaching its mechanical limits quite easily in that enclosure. One would assume it would perform better in a smaller enclosure.

3) He did the SQ tests in the same enclosures he used in the SPL tests. He also complains about "boomy" sound from the RL-p when it's in an enclosure that's 50% larger than recommended.

I mean, I'm not going to dismiss the testing all together, but I see those 3 major faults and a few other ones, too.

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Morning :coffee:

And Jmac, I agree with you about not getting the tools to moderate properly...

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the comparision...lol..


he's giving all subs rated 1700wrms for an orion 2500d @ 2ohm....

the type s and rl-p reached their mechanical limits in 2.35ft^3 ported...as they should. i mean, the rl-p is only rated for like 500, though it is generally accepted that they will handle 1200 in the right enclosure. i'm not sure wht the type r is rated for..

the enclosure is too big for the rl-p...with 1700wrms, nothing more then 1.75 ported should be used...and iMO, the perfect enclosure for the rl-p is about 1.95-2ft^3 tuned to about 34-35hz...(with no more then 1000-1200wrms)

and spkrman is biased.....while one can't argue with the spl numbers, sq is in the ear of the listener....

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I put my .02 cents in

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Yeah, I just read yours and Kents reply.........I guess Alpine is the chit now for a whole bunch of newbies, let them have at it. I just wouldn't want to be answering the phone line in a couple weeks they have a whole bunch of subs the RMA :blink: How many do you really think will hold up to 1700 watts with hit and miss boxes? :fing34: Gotta love the sheep (no Jmac "runs screaming" not that way :D )

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Jmac and Frosty, yep, we need to be able to do something more serious then slowly deleting a post at a time

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meh... comparison are comparisons. don't bother. anything outside of a ture aneochic chamber dont mean chit.

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butt what if my finger slips through the paper?

Then You either get a quick moment of joy or a quick moment of akwardness. Which ever floats your boat.

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Not to mention a stained pinkey

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Hello :)

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I really don't feel like going to class here in an hour. Or work ;(

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