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So I am driving around listening to the 2 new to me MB SQ cds. Seeing that I just took care of the speeding ticket I got a few weekends ago I have decided that I will take it easy atleast untill the probation period is over. Speed limit is 45 so I set the cruise at 45. I get taailgated by two different cars until this Nissan Titan runs all up on my arse. Speed limit is still 45. I tap my breaks a little, just to flash them, he proceeds to move close to the point that I could not see his headlights. The speed limit changes to 55, so I accelerate. He gets just as close. I break check him. He swerves, but stays behind me. He moves back in closer, I move to the shoulder and flip him off, he passes me, then proceeds to try and breakcheck me. Mind you that at the time I was a full 5 lenths behind him, so bassically he slams on the breaks. The he lets me back around him and rides my arse again. I finally make a turn and he follows then passes. About this time I am geting pissed. He proceeds to slow to 40 then 30 then 20...about this time I realize that he is wating to stop me and have words. I lock up the e-brake and whip it around. Burn them and catch a second. Let me tell you that those Titans have some pep. He finally cought up to me and rode me again. I just kept driving and pulled into the police station. Called the number and asked for an officer to come outside. The guy flipped me off and left.

Long story short...I will be pulling over next time instead of flashing my break lights and or break checking.

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i dont brake check, i just slow down. the best is when there are cars on both sides of me, and some guy tailgating me so i'll drive the same speed as the cars beside me.

i honestly dont understand why people need to be dicks when im doing 45-50 and still tailgate me while they could just change lanes...

dont wanna piss anyone off, seeing as how we're up to 30+ shootings on the road this summer.

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So I am driving around listening to the 2 new to me MB SQ cds.  Seeing that I just took care of the speeding ticket I got a few weekends ago I have decided that I will take it easy atleast untill the  probation period is over.  Speed limit is 45 so I set the cruise at 45.  I get taailgated by two different cars until this Nissan Titan runs all up on my arse.  Speed limit is still 45.  I tap my breaks a little, just to flash them, he proceeds to move close to the point that I could not see his headlights.  The speed limit changes to 55, so I accelerate.  He gets just as close.  I break check him.  He swerves, but stays behind me.  He moves back in closer, I move to the shoulder and flip him off, he passes me, then proceeds to try and breakcheck me.  Mind you that at the time I was a full 5 lenths behind him, so bassically he slams on the breaks.  The he lets me back around him and rides my arse again.  I finally make a turn and he follows then passes.  About this time I am geting pissed.  He proceeds to slow to 40 then 30 then 20...about this time I realize that he is wating to stop me and have words.  I lock up the e-brake and whip it around.  Burn them and catch a second.  Let me tell you that those Titans have some pep.  He finally cought up to me and rode me again.  I just kept driving and pulled into the police station.  Called the number and asked for an officer to come outside.  The guy flipped me off and left.

Long story short...I will be pulling over next time instead of flashing my break lights and or break checking.

Moral of the story when you are all :ready2go: but the other guy is all :fing23: You come to a gun fight carrying a knife :fryingpan: While the other guy is all :gheychase: then find a local cop shop and :finger:

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So I am driving around listening to the 2 new to me MB SQ cds.

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TOP (Middle for James)

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Heh, if people do that to me i just keep going the speed limit.

No need for me to speed because someone else wants to.

Heck, pass on the right for all i care.

Or you can always speed up when they go into the other lane.

That one always makes me giggle

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TOP (Middle for James)

w00t, MOP ...

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I love brake checking people. My friend brake checked a cop once, he followed up by pulling her over.

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Women are stupid ...

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She was apart of a special bunch, but her family is loaded and ready to pay for anything her stupidity might incur.

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jntar, I just also want to say :woot:

as well

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time for sleep

And oddly enough, there was a spider on my keyboard that i just killed

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hey TOM, how do u like ur planet audio amps? i'm thinking about getting a TT4300 (75 X 4 @ 4 ohms, 300 X 2 @ 4 ohms) and was wondering if they do rated power. i'm getting it used for $120 shipped, maybe less. dunno if thats a deal or not. holla back.

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i seriously gotta get rid of this effed up sleep schedule. not sleepy at 3am is annoying.

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good morning :coffee:

dennis..that amp should be fine. planet audio isn't a shabby brand....

james...glad to see ya back....and MOP?? ok...ur drinking tooo much coffee....

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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* Im sorry sir, your card is invalid, please swipe again*

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good morning

and yeah I gotta get on a better sleep schedule as well. This going to bed at 3-4 and waking up at 12:00 or 1:00 just isn't gonna cut it.

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wow I just added all the stuff up, that I would want performance wise for my truck. it would be $1180 :(

then the conversation kit I would want, plus grill inserts and blah blah blah would be around 760.

jesus....this sh*t is so much money.

but I will hopefully get this new job at the hospital.....working at Abercrombie does not pay bills. LOL

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