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I got a call from the PO today. Everything I took in there was still in the box I had given to them. Nothing sent out. The lady asked if I wanted the whole box shipped. I paid to have each one shipped individually and she was trying to ship everything in 1 big box. Now how would that work when every piece had an address label on it.

Anyways, sorry for the mixup guys. I'm NEVER dealing with the PO again. I'd rather spend $5 to ship one packing peanut via FedEx!

Rant over.

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I got a call from the PO today.  Everything I took in there was still in the box I had given to them.  Nothing sent out.  The lady asked if I wanted the whole box shipped.  I paid to have each one shipped individually and she was trying to ship everything in 1 big box.  Now how would that work when every piece had an address label on it.

Anyways, sorry for the mixup guys.  I'm NEVER dealing with the PO again.  I'd rather spend $5 to ship one packing peanut via FedEx!

Rant over.

haha what a dipchit, im glad things were worked out though

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Things aren't worked out until everyone gets their stuff.

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Things aren't worked out until everyone gets their stuff.

true but it's a step in the right direction

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I prefer UPS myself.

I can walk in, tell them where i want it shipped and pay for it.

No paperwork to fillout ( unlike USPS and FED EX) and they have my address in there computer.

Its also closer than stupid fedex

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Anyone know a good place to get deals on Audio Control or another Quality crossover maker? Slopes must be at LEAST 18dB/oct.

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I prefer UPS myself.

I can walk in, tell them where i want it shipped and pay for it.

No paperwork to fillout ( like USPS and FED EX) and they have my address in there computer.

I have a FedEx account where they actually pick up the package.

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I prefer UPS myself.

I can walk in, tell them where i want it shipped and pay for it.

No paperwork to fillout ( like USPS and FED EX) and they have my address in there computer.

I have a FedEx account where they actually pick up the package.

Thats nice too.

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is an external crossover even that necessary for an active setup if you have enough crossovers on your amp and h u? Does it jsut make things easier?

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My bro and myself arent using anykind of external xover.

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Coustic, IMO makes THE best crossovers. That unit will work fine for you. Not for me though. slopes are only 12/db with an 18 on the lowpass.

They aren't necessary, but an outboard DEDICATED crossover will always be better than any internal unit on a head or amp.

Supa has an exception as with the Pioneer everything is done in the digital domain. This is a HUGE advantage given the DACs are up to it as most of the time, control is infinitely adjustable.

My old Sony setup had infinitely adjustable slopes up to 60 some dB/octave!

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Coustic, IMO makes THE best crossovers.  That unit will work fine for you.  Not for me though.  slopes are only 12/db with an 18 on the lowpass. 

They aren't necessary, but an outboard DEDICATED crossover will always be better than any internal unit on a head or amp. 

Supa has an exception as with the Pioneer everything is done in the digital domain.  This is a HUGE advantage given the DACs are up to it as most of the time, control is infinitely adjustable.

My old Sony setup had infinitely adjustable slopes up to 60 some dB/octave!

how can i tell if a crossover will work or not. I know that I need to bandpass the mids and hp the tweets but none of them seem to say whether or not they can do this. For example, which of these coustic crossovers would work http://search.ebay.com/coustic_Crossovers-...ntrypageZsearch How about these ac crossovers http://search.ebay.com/audiocontrol_Crosso...QfsopZ1QQfsooZ1 ?

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Go to www.coustic.com and search the archives for the owner's manual. They will tell you in there everything the crossover will do. I do believe however that all their 6+ channle crossovers feature a bandpass section.

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anyone know if an adiocontrol 4xs will work? I found one for only 40 shipped.

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The AC will work, but it's going to be a pain with the modules. I reccomend against it.

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here are a couple pics of the box i built for my friend last night/this morning



i dont think i could've gotten any more volume out of that damn trunk, this thing just barely fit in, it's about 2.3 tuned to 36ish btw

it's sooo much louder than the old sealed prefabs

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