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Have you lost abb definition in that last pic? Your hands slowly moved up over the pics!


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The last two pics are from the same day.

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Positive note again, went bowling and scored 60, then 80, then beat my previous best with 112 and quit while I was ahead laugh.png

still bowling with the bumpers?

In my defense, I bowl a couple of times a year :P

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Get a belly and smoke cigs, you'll turn pro. :D

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Jmac You completely glazed over my questions about how the current administration is helping you. But thatbis the point isn't it?

I live in Canada. I guess you completely glazed over that.

Here's the answer, since you'll just accuse me of "glazing over" it again: The current administration is doing nothing to help me because I live in Canada.

Concentrate on sensational things so you don't have to come up with an argument founded in logic.
Non-working, non-serving people are apparently on the same level as criminals to you. Seems logical.
You have had it rough. We get it. There are billions who have had it much worse. I have mornings when I can't walk either. Some where my hands don't open. My choice will be chemotherapy meds or pain at some point. We all have issues. I really do feel for you, and I want our life better. Do you want the same for me? My beleif is that most hand outs from the government won't actually help you.
So if I'm uninsurable and have no money, but the government is willing to pay for my surgeries and subsidize my prescriptions to keep me alive (which allows me to then pay 40% income tax and 12% sales tax and property tax and fuel taxes and etc. etc. etc. etc.), how isn't that helping me and society as a whole?
Again I ask, please explain how the current direction of leadership leads to a better future for the way of life we all take for granted?
Never once did I mention anything about the current administration and I'm not going to get into it considering I'm not 100% familiar with every policy in the US. Last I checked, neither of your proposed policies, which is what I disputed, had been instituted by either party. I guess you glazed over that as well.
That is pretty straight forward and direct isn't it? I want to know your point of view, because it is unique and special. But it isn't more unique or special than anyone elses.

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No more washboard/6pack?

I am rocking the washingmachine/keg look.


I call mine the barrel look. Although the belly is slowly going the way I want to :D

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Get a belly and smoke cigs, you'll turn pro. biggrin.png

Conflict of interest :(

Fuck bowling then ! :D

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I always felt I should have tried speed skating as a kid as I am already built like one. Too bad the weather holds out longer here and I enjoy soccer too much.

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I always felt I should have tried speed skating as a kid as I am already built like one. Too bad the weather holds out longer here and I enjoy soccer too much.

Strong legs, eh ? :D

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Good progress Stefan smile.png


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Jmac I never said you were a criminal. You like putting words in my mouth while making your life sound hard. And I did assume you were in Canada and since American policy doesn't affect you at al whT do you care if a few Americans on the INTERNET feel different... since it doesn't affect you as you say.

When you say the government pays for your surgeries you mean the taxes everyone pays covers that cost. Does your 40% taxes pay for all your meds and surgeries? How many people paying that tax never use the benefits. Should we have doctors need less school, or just pay them less and hope people still want to do it as a job? What happens when and if more people get sick and diabetes and heart issues run rampant through the general public? What happens when the costs are more than the taxes? Here in the US we have a higher cost than we do money going into our warfare programs and debt payment.

What do you want? What is your point, since American policy doesn't affect you why spit in the faces of the people it does affect. No one attacked you personally, or even a demographic that involves you. I made the claim that people here are incentivised to NOT work.

You are working, American policy doesn't affect you, and you are getting your health managed to your needs so you can be productive. So how the hell does my comment affect you?

Sounds like it is going great up there for you so why be so condescending to me?

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I always felt I should have tried speed skating as a kid as I am already built like one. Too bad the weather holds out longer here and I enjoy soccer too much.

Strong legs, eh ? biggrin.png

You see the soccer pictures I posted a month ago? ;)

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is every one getting these extra ads in the postins or is it somthing i downloaded

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I think the misunderstanding is more simple than anyone is making it here.

First off, I am ultra bummed about the health problems you have. Never realized. Feel like an asshat for not knowing, sorry mang.

And to the topic at hand, I seriously don't think there is anyone that posts here in the HOP that is opposed to helping those that need help. The ultimatums that were displayed in posts are due to disgust at the multitude of people here who do not need help that sabotage the system. I personally feel ultra strongly about helping those that need help. Don't even care what the help is, let's give it but at the same time let's insure that those that don't need help can't profit from the problem.

The current administration and liberals in general in the US are so prone to ideals that they forget to check reality. No program, no goal, no activity is worth a shit if you don't measure it's success and further development the implementation. Instead we currently get plans that are supposed to do one thing, but instead give help to a cross section of people that don't need it. That is asinine and needs to stop.

The easiest way to reform this is to limit the federal government and move things more local. The fed really shouldn't need to do much as it is always more efficient to be closer to the problem.

I am sure if you re-read the posts that you'd see that the complaints while blanketed to everyone were implied towards those that absolutely don't need help. Of course there are 7 different ways to interpret any sentence so the eye of the reader will sway that as well. I personally e-know all these guys and pretty much across the board don't see any that would defeat what I just typed. I could be wrong as the internet portrays people not exactly as they are but I doubt it.

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