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Today physical, sunday orientation, monday the first day of college for the boy.


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Today physical, sunday orientation, monday the first day of college for the boy.


Thanks Matt. I just hope he puts my money to good use.

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I won't share my college ideas of what good use is

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I won't share my college ideas of what good use is

I know what happens, I was there too.

He is living at home, the college is 3 miles away.

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Well I am now 2/3 the way to medically being out. Should be done by December.


Figure out what your doing after?

Right now I have been writing concert reviews and taking photographs lately. I think I would love to pursue something with either of those.


Sounds fun! Taking pictures can be very addictiong! Good luck and don't forget to let me know when you are close to the area.

It has been. I am trying to make it before Halloween so I can see the setup and go through it at least once. Right now everything has been incredibly complicated with getting time off. While it looks like my medical discharge will go through, I am being fought on this by my commander. He just wants me gone with nothing to show for my time. Needless to say this is someone I have not seen eye to eye with often.

Worst case scenario I'll be out that way in December. I just have to figure everything out and with job prospects being sketchy at best, I have a lot of uncertainty.


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Well I am now 2/3 the way to medically being out. Should be done by December.


Figure out what your doing after?

Right now I have been writing concert reviews and taking photographs lately. I think I would love to pursue something with either of those.


Sounds pretty fun actually.

It's been pretty good. Some memories have been made that I wouldn't trade the world for.


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Shocks don't hold weight, they simply control the suspension. You need a higher rate spring and a different shock.

Even if they are adjustable? The Shockwaves are adjustable by pnumatics.

I'm familiar with the shockwaves. IT's the same concept with the air bag in the spring. You are changing the spring rate. This works wells with limited weight, but if it's no longer working for you, you need to change the suspension. The problem with your car is, most of the weight is in the center so you're bascially spreading the weight around to every corner and putting stress at the middle of the vehicle instead of where the car was designed to have the weight.


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That is SERIOUSLY fucking freaky.


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That is SERIOUSLY fucking freaky.


Good artist though.

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That is SERIOUSLY fucking freaky.


Good artist though.



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Well I am now 2/3 the way to medically being out. Should be done by December.


Figure out what your doing after?

Right now I have been writing concert reviews and taking photographs lately. I think I would love to pursue something with either of those.


Sounds fun! Taking pictures can be very addictiong! Good luck and don't forget to let me know when you are close to the area.

It has been. I am trying to make it before Halloween so I can see the setup and go through it at least once. Right now everything has been incredibly complicated with getting time off. While it looks like my medical discharge will go through, I am being fought on this by my commander. He just wants me gone with nothing to show for my time. Needless to say this is someone I have not seen eye to eye with often.

Worst case scenario I'll be out that way in December. I just have to figure everything out and with job prospects being sketchy at best, I have a lot of uncertainty.


Good luck, I hope it goes in your favor.

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The depth of those eyes is unreal!

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Went to united noodle. It took me forever to figure out that they separate by Korean, Japanese, and then Chinese/other. I spent a good 45 min wondering why I couldn't find mirin in the cooking wine section. Or kombu and bonito in the soup isle. Lol

I got some mushroom soy. Excited to try. Also stocked up on noodles. Udon, soba, and stir fry. I picked up yellow and red miso. And 8 blocks of extra firm tofu. I am curious to see how my body reacts to it as a regular protein. I'm normally against soy as a major protein source but I have never had it from tofu regularly.

Also picked up some dashi instant granules. I want to try the difference. I also got some shrimp chips. Because I LOVE shrimp chips. Also makes the wife leave me alone until I sterilize my mouth. I almost got the spicy garlic ones to try... but I'm not that cruel.

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My wife shocked me too. She said she would try Japanese food. We both love Asian food, bit she cannot handle a lot of the more blunt Chinese flavors and she definitely cannot handle the sodium.

She even said she would try some new foods she never liked before. Tofu... probably only fried maybe.... and just maybe some seafood.

On a related note I badly want pan fried sun fish. I saw it on a menu and it made my mouth water. My body who I was going to meet bailed and I finished the appetizer and knew I shouldn't stuff my face. It sucked. I almost binged just to have some of them tasty blue gill, sunny's, what ever you want to call them. Cracker crumb and a little butter. Keep your walleye. Pan fish FTMFW

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mmmmmmmm bourbon


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Someone posted a video in here a while ago where this car slides on an iced highway, and goes right by a semi, then continues to slide between other cars, and finally straightens it out like aI boss.

Anyone remember the title? I know its a shot in the dark.

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Japanese >>>> Chinese

In both taste and the good for you realm.

Hope you had fun, I love that store. :)

Kombu in the soup isle, lol

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fuck a duck.

i hate getting an email stating

" we should have all re cones out this week IF i can get some of the guys to stay late with me to build them"

that was monday.. nothing was sent out this week so i guess the boss/owner could not get his staff to work...... WTF.......

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