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What would a company that tracks peoples usage on cell phones stand to gain from it besides monitoring for security reasons? For marketing purposes? I'm a little confused why that company would care what we google etc.

Google monitors more than you would ever think! lol

Directed ads, buying habits, listening habits, errors in the software your phone runs on, cellular service, etc

explains a lot how google uses your info..


I've heard about Google doing that before and understand why. I guess I just don't get why a company would be interested in what I'm texting people. Aside from marketing reasons. I guess it could be fairly useful in that regard.

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What would a company that tracks peoples usage on cell phones stand to gain from it besides monitoring for security reasons? For marketing purposes? I'm a little confused why that company would care what we google etc.

Google monitors more than you would ever think! lol

Directed ads, buying habits, listening habits, errors in the software your phone runs on, cellular service, etc

explains a lot how google uses your info..


I've heard about Google doing that before and understand why. I guess I just don't get why a company would be interested in what I'm texting people. Aside from marketing reasons. I guess it could be fairly useful in that regard.

That's the big deal that video ^ was about, we don't know what they're doing with it, we never agreed to it, and they're doing it without us knowing.

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Hooray for google's Gmail phone.

I was able to order some transmission parts very quickly. And hooray for small businesses where you actually talk with the owner :D

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Had about 5 inches of snow yesterday.

Sean did Kzoo get hit? assuming so

Yessir. About the same. I traveled to Sturgis today and they got it a lot worse.

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Jealous of you guys :( we got nothing here in Houghton. Ours all melted over thanksgiving


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We got a light flurry here, but my dad was in Indiana about 4 hours away yesterday and said they got around 5 inches.

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The snow was nice. I have been waiting for it. I didn't appreciate the ice chunks failing from trees and power lines all day

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Did he just power slide a 777?

Actually I believe they are able to rotate the landing gear a few degrees, because the aircraft is so large the wind knocks it off course during landing if there is a sidewind.

Technical term for it is crabbing. Here's the wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crosswind_landing#Crab

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What would a company that tracks peoples usage on cell phones stand to gain from it besides monitoring for security reasons? For marketing purposes? I'm a little confused why that company would care what we google etc.

Marketing data

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Passed a State Trooper doing 75 today; so I'm feeling rather good :D

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What would a company that tracks peoples usage on cell phones stand to gain from it besides monitoring for security reasons? For marketing purposes? I'm a little confused why that company would care what we google etc.

Marketing data

That's what I was thinking. I've heard that male college students in their 20s are one of the toughest groups to market to as well and large number of people in that demographic own smartphones so I can see the marketing value.

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Passed a State Trooper doing 75 today; so I'm feeling rather good :D

I'm assuming the speed limit's 65. Would cops normally stop you at that speed? I pass them frequently at 75 and haven't been stopped. That's the average speed for most people on our interstates.

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About 52 here but windy as shit like 30-35 mph out on the flight line

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Passed a State Trooper doing 75 today; so I'm feeling rather good :D

I'm assuming the speed limit's 65. Would cops normally stop you at that speed? I pass them frequently at 75 and haven't been stopped. That's the average speed for most people on our interstates.

Speed limit's 70; I came up on him, he was doing maybe 65, and he pulls over to the shoulder sticks his hand out and waves me on.

Strangely enough Cop Killer was playing on the radio when I got back into my car on the drive home...

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What would a company that tracks peoples usage on cell phones stand to gain from it besides monitoring for security reasons? For marketing purposes? I'm a little confused why that company would care what we google etc.

Marketing data

That's what I was thinking. I've heard that male college students in their 20s are one of the toughest groups to market to as well and large number of people in that demographic own smartphones so I can see the marketing value.

They're quite easy, actually. Slap your logo on this picture and they'll buy it:


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Had about 5 inches of snow yesterday.

Sean did Kzoo get hit? assuming so

Yessir. About the same. I traveled to Sturgis today and they got it a lot worse.

Where were you in Sturgis? I was at Kmart today and there wasn't much there.

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well i just checked my android phone and i dont have that app called iq! i heard it was only companys like at&t, verizon, t-mobile doing things like this where they can trace what you are doing

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Boobs are good for your health.

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Had about 5 inches of snow yesterday.

Sean did Kzoo get hit? assuming so

Yessir. About the same. I traveled to Sturgis today and they got it a lot worse.

Where were you in Sturgis? I was at Kmart today and there wasn't much there.

Abbott in the early am. A lot of ice and snow. Cars were in ditches on M66 and M60

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a female period is good for your health. do keep in mind she has to be healthy. (exludes over weight)

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What the fuck are you talking about?!

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