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I got my package in. :D

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its way faster than I expected.

I'm shopping for a.turbo and a bottle kit for it. It does have a beer holder. I think I need to get some cooler attachment that can hold at least a sixer of bottles.

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Maybe a more powerful alt and some 18's.

Already called a metal shop to see if they can fabricate some rims. I dont know if I should go spinners or pizza cutters with alternating gold, platinum, and diamond dust spokes. Maybe just some all performance lightweight alloys?

Edited by dem beats

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There is a lot of performance built into this mower. Rear engine rear wheel drive. Aerodynamic body kit, a new front end would have to be fabricated... But its pretty sweet.

6 speed gear box!

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never seen someone mix Evercoat and resin together; Adrian, Sean, Tirefryr, anyone else with fiberglass experience, thoughts?

Ryan taught me the filler / resin mix trick and I use it every time I need to paint fiberglass as the first layer of filler.

Much smaller batches than the guy in the link and more like 1:1 resin / filler mix, I don't want it dripping of the part.

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I bet if you pimped that shit out, you could drive it in TX, and fit in somewhere. :P

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I'm sure elsewhere too, but I said TX cause all the videos on Youtube. :ninja:

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I cut some foam, and stuffed it under my stock baggie. Wah la! Cheek rest.

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take the restrictor plate off the carb and let it fly

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Family was talking about the Yeti/Igloo Yukon coolers, and it got me wondering: how would a fiberglass cooler compare to a standard polypropylene/ethylene/urethane cooler in terms of abuse? Figured I could make one with XPS and fiberglass for a fourth to a fifth the price of those things, if only for shits and giggles.

I just built one in my boat. Used some used house insulation and glassed over it. Held ice for two days in 90+

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shitty bartenders use it like carpenters use jigs: to make the same measurement over and over and over again without having to actually measure it

Had to clarify. Ultra easy to pour consistent, no jigger is necessary.

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That's fucking sweet. How do I download the music from it.

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shitty bartenders use it like carpenters use jigs: to make the same measurement over and over and over again without having to actually measure it

Had to clarify. Ultra easy to pour consistent, no jigger is necessary.

correct, however it is required by law in some states regardless :P

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That's fucking sweet. How do I download the music from it.

download either FVD Suite or Orbit Downloader; both are free and work on a multitude of different video sites

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vimeo, metacafe, youtube, among others

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There are some stupid states

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I bought an American Outdoor soft sided cooler and it works better than any hardsided cooler I've ever had.

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Think perhaps my ECU has shit in the boat.

Although the only confusing thing is that it seems to be fine when the gas tank is full.

I am getting an alarm (temp, oil pressure, voltage, tranny temp, fault code). All my gauges show fine though.

After a fairly long run ~hr it shut off. Acted like out of gas. Figure the ECU is shutting off the fuel pump and it goes down. Fault keeps it that way for a half hour or so and then it fires back up and runs okay until it repeats.

Going to run it hard tomorrow and and when it shits open it up and peak at the fuel pump. It's my understanding that it should still have 12v to it. Don't think the ECU shuts it off when an accidental stall occurs. If I am wrong I suppose I could run a wire to the damn thing and plop my volt meter on the dash.

Any other thoughts? There is a shraeder on the fuel line so I can "check" pressure as well.

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Think perhaps my ECU has shit in the boat.

Although the only confusing thing is that it seems to be fine when the gas tank is full.

I am getting an alarm (temp, oil pressure, voltage, tranny temp, fault code). All my gauges show fine though.

After a fairly long run ~hr it shut off. Acted like out of gas. Figure the ECU is shutting off the fuel pump and it goes down. Fault keeps it that way for a half hour or so and then it fires back up and runs okay until it repeats.

Going to run it hard tomorrow and and when it shits open it up and peak at the fuel pump. It's my understanding that it should still have 12v to it. Don't think the ECU shuts it off when an accidental stall occurs. If I am wrong I suppose I could run a wire to the damn thing and plop my volt meter on the dash.

Any other thoughts? There is a shraeder on the fuel line so I can "check" pressure as well.

It should cut power if the engine is not running. Of course, marine programming could be different, but it should sense no spark or no exhaust and cut fuel as well. An automobile is the same way. ever notice if you just turn your key to the on position, you will hear your pump prime for a second or two, but it won't actually run until the vehicle is running.

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And flobots are decent. I had a station on my pandora that played them.

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