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No I think u covered it, although some heat is lost due to internal conversion, it's not significant enough to say scramble the egg, that was due to what u said was heat soak

That's what I get from your explanation at least

what do you mean by internal conversion?

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Energy is conserved btw, always. Chemistry can make things confusing that don't need to be.

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Sorry man completely overlooked that this is not fluorescence, so I think nothing I said applies

But internal would be a transition between states with the same spin quantum number, but the plate doesn't emit a frequency of light so this doesn't apply

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Energy is conserved btw, always. Chemistry can make things confusing that don't need to be.

Ya it definitely can be confusing, especially since like every chemistry class ive taken the professor has said at one point in time "For reasons you will learn in future classes" :trippy:

but theres something about it i really enjoy :shrug:

Edited by trod2902

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Sorry man completely overlooked that this is not fluorescence, so I think nothing I said applies

But internal would be a transition between states with the same spin quantum number, but the plate doesn't emit a frequency of light so this doesn't apply

Plate definitely is not an emitter. :)

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Energy is conserved btw, always. Chemistry can make things confusing that don't need to be.

Ya it definitely can be confusing, especially since like every chemistry class ive taken the professor has said at one point in time "For reasons you will learn in future classes" :trippy:

but theres something about it i really enjoy :shrug:

ALL chemistry can be described completely in a single chapter of Physics. Determining the result of any interaction can be defined by it. Obviously it isn't the fastest way to the calculations though.

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Energy is conserved btw, always. Chemistry can make things confusing that don't need to be.

Ya it definitely can be confusing, especially since like every chemistry class ive taken the professor has said at one point in time "For reasons you will learn in future classes" :trippy:

but theres something about it i really enjoy :shrug:

ALL chemistry can be described completely in a single chapter of Physics. Determining the result of any interaction can be defined by it. Obviously it isn't the fastest way to the calculations though.

quantum physics? Ive havent gone far in physics, its not really necessary in my career path, but i find it funny that my favorite professor (organic 1&2) always joked on physics by saying all you do is "drop the ball" lmao, He knew i was in newtonian physics though

Edited by trod2902

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Ha, that is how I was with Chemistry. Get the orgo's out of the way and fuck it. I HATE memorization. Could be described in Quantum, depends on the curriculum. Normally its done before.

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There's a thread about the ms8 on diyma, one of the managers for the ms8 from jbl drops in occasionally.

I basically stated that after trying every possible combination / trick, I couldn't get the ms8 to sound worth a damn unless I turned off the processing. Some people suggested running the sweeps at a lower volume, looking further past the mirrors and windshield when doing the auto tune, unplugging mic after calibration, etc, etc. I did everything and it sucks in comparison to defeat. I was hoping someone and or the guy from jbl would have some sort of solution or possible firmware update.

The guy from jbl comes back and says "maybe you just don't like how the ms8 EQs..."

:trippy: Guess all the additional features are a waste in my case?!

Which engineer?

It's the product line manager, Andy Wehmeyer.

He's actually been extremely helpful in the thread. It's over 200 pages filled with a lot of crap, but there's also fifty pages or so with good information on the ms8.

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Ha, that is how I was with Chemistry. Get the orgo's out of the way and fuck it. I HATE memorization. Could be described in Quantum, depends on the curriculum. Normally its done before.

I only have two more chem classes that i will cover next semester and im actually kinda bummed lmao

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Man I hate the smd forum. Bright light, can't looook awaaaay... ZAP! stupid motherfucker.

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Ha, that is how I was with Chemistry. Get the orgo's out of the way and fuck it. I HATE memorization. Could be described in Quantum, depends on the curriculum. Normally its done before.

FUCK O chem

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Math hw online, ugh.

I'm so use to using "x" for the input variable, I keep using it in the answer instead of "r", etc. Keep getting the answers spit back and have to start over. :roflmao:

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Check out the "subs for sale" thread. That headliner explains a lot.

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Math hw online, ugh.

I'm so use to using "x" for the input variable, I keep using it in the answer instead of "r", etc. Keep getting the answers spit back and have to start over. :roflmao:

Lazy professors :(

I would much rather just do the homework on paper.

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Math hw online, ugh.

I'm so use to using "x" for the input variable, I keep using it in the answer instead of "r", etc. Keep getting the answers spit back and have to start over. :roflmao:

Lazy professors :(

I would much rather just do the homework on paper.

I do everything on paper then enter it on the computer. It has it's advantages and disadvantages. Some shit it's super picky about, even if your correct. Trying to graph is a bitch, you can't input points, you have to drag the points with a mouse. Moving a pixel is like .5 on the graph, just enough to be marked wrong...

Half the time the website is down or the teacher forgets to upload the assignments.

On the brighter side of things, if you get a problem wrong it immediately tells you and can link to some material for help. Although I've been better off using google each time and learning off numerous sites.

So far it's pretty easy, calc. Key words: so far. :P

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ETA for the NS-1 is end of October.

For the sundown. :lol2:

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I wonder if anyone has mounted lcd screens under their seats. *Checks smd*

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Stefan, do you use WileyPlus for math homework?

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And why is it a benefit that they are such heat soaks that they can cook eggs?

If I am lost in the dark at least I can cook eggs and not starve, I will need to remember the eggs though. ;)

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Silly TOP!

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Anybody looking for a flashlight?


We are looking at these for the haunt.

I am a flashaholic..... What do you want to use the lights for and how much do you want to spend?

I will point you in the direction of a better option, unless you want it for frying eggs specifically.

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