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This university is getting weirder by the minute.

A formal festivity is being held Friday, all the graduating students were invited. When the dean saw that our whole group didn't volunteer to go he threatened he wasn't coming to our graduation ceremony. Nobody cared so now the dean talked to the people that tailored our robes and ordered them that they are not allowed to give us our robes outside Friday's event and we are forced to go.

Suddenly I feel like not going to Friday's event and buying my own robe.

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Anyone used/or can recommend some photochromic (self tinting) sunglasses? I'd like something to take care of the sun during the day, not make me blind in the woods, and keep the bugs out of my eyes at night.

This is what I wear for riding day and night.


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This university is getting weirder by the minute.

A formal festivity is being held Friday, all the graduating students were invited. When the dean saw that our whole group didn't volunteer to go he threatened he wasn't coming to our graduation ceremony. Nobody cared so now the dean talked to the people that tailored our robes and ordered them that they are not allowed to give us our robes outside Friday's event and we are forced to go.

Suddenly I feel like not going to Friday's event and buying my own robe.

This should be a happy time for you guys graduating. Sounds like they are making it a memory that you want to forget?

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This university is getting weirder by the minute.

A formal festivity is being held Friday, all the graduating students were invited. When the dean saw that our whole group didn't volunteer to go he threatened he wasn't coming to our graduation ceremony. Nobody cared so now the dean talked to the people that tailored our robes and ordered them that they are not allowed to give us our robes outside Friday's event and we are forced to go.

Suddenly I feel like not going to Friday's event and buying my own robe.

Gotta love how today's educational institutes teach freedom of choice, and how NOT to strong arm people like the current White House does.


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This university is getting weirder by the minute.

A formal festivity is being held Friday, all the graduating students were invited. When the dean saw that our whole group didn't volunteer to go he threatened he wasn't coming to our graduation ceremony. Nobody cared so now the dean talked to the people that tailored our robes and ordered them that they are not allowed to give us our robes outside Friday's event and we are forced to go.

Suddenly I feel like not going to Friday's event and buying my own robe.

This should be a happy time for you guys graduating. Sounds like they are making it a memory that you want to forget?

More or less yes.

And I know for sure I'm not going to sign up for a Master's at this university.

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American bound Adrian?


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Good movie. If you watch it, read up on the background info afterwards, based on The Long Walk written by Slavomir Rawicz, and everything entailed around it.

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American bound Adrian?


Depends on lots and lots of things :ughdunno:

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**sigh** I just finished my first class back to college. I had a simple research paper for my final assignment. I should end my one class with a 90 if all goes well. I completly bombed one test two weeks ago. The words 'I don't fucking care' were the words of the day.


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I am looking to do some soundproofing on my room. Does this guy speak the truth? Any more/better advice from you home audio guys? Thanks. :)

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My main problem is the bass travels through the walls and the neighbors can hear it as my house is joined by their building

My second problem is I am sitting right next to a door which leads to the terrace that is just above the street. My speakers are faced towards me and when I play loud music all goes out the door to the street. I have space outside the door and I was wondering what to put there, in the door frame. I don't care if you won't be able to go out the door.

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