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Conveniently for the world in strengthening their economies we have potentially had the two worst presidents in history back to back.

im sure we'll pick a winner next time as well haha

Donald Trump?


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I'm stealing this to put in a thread...

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Conveniently for the world in strengthening their economies we have potentially had the two worst presidents in history back to back.

Sure its not 3?

who was the last decent one?

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Conveniently for the world in strengthening their economies we have potentially had the two worst presidents in history back to back.

Sure its not 3?

I remember absolutely none of Clinton besides the BJ situation, so sure!

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Sean you weren't joking. This drainy drippy nose and congestion is still hangin out.


Mine is reduced to a cough that won't go away, but there is almost nothing to cough up except when I wake up in the morning. Constant feeling of needing to, but no reason. Ugh.

Thank god I have some left over e-fed-rah. Knocks the congestion out but quick.

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Conveniently for the world in strengthening their economies we have potentially had the two worst presidents in history back to back.

im sure we'll pick a winner next time as well haha

Donald Trump?


oh god.. :suicide-santa:

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:begin rant:

Dear lazy fucks,

You assholes that laid around on unemployment and food stamps all year and file your taxes and get FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS back on TAXES YOU DID NOT PAY can get fucked.

:end rant:

lots of those here in Clinton County!

Your not kidding, I am surounded by them also. Atleast the low lifes spend their UNEARNED tax money to get tattoos.

Me on the other hand get to pay around 5-6 grand in taxes. Good thing I have it in savings. :suicide-santa:

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:begin rant:

Dear lazy fucks,

You assholes that laid around on unemployment and food stamps all year and file your taxes and get FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS back on TAXES YOU DID NOT PAY can get fucked.

:end rant:

lots of those here in Clinton County!

Your not kidding, I am surounded by them also. Atleast the low lifes spend their UNEARNED tax money to get tattoos.

Me on the other hand get to pay around 5-6 grand in taxes. Good thing I have it in savings. :suicide-santa:

Also these people go through our haunt, but always bitch about how much it costs. Not like it is their money any way.

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System leeches TOP!

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4K of usless posts by me :roflmao:

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only took me 7 years to do that

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only took me 7 years to do that

you sound like one of those fancy pants people with one of these "jobs"

must be nice :roflmao:

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4K of usless posts by me :roflmao:

You're slow :P

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only took me 7 years to do that

It is about time you start to visit the HOP.

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4K of usless posts by me :roflmao:

You're slow :P

I know, but I have one of them damn things called a job and all yea a Haunt. Who know maybe if I get one of those smart phones I can vist more.:)

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I did something fun today! I replaced the brushes in my 4wd engaging motor. Was not a bad job.

I found out Sunday my 4wd was not working, you know when we were getting all the snow.

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only took me 7 years to do that

you sound like one of those fancy pants people with one of these "jobs"

must be nice :roflmao:

i got a spam string in the hop somewhere about 4 years ago when I was in college and bored out of my mind in class..but this is the most i've ever posted in here

..back to work..

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only took me 7 years to do that

It is about time you start to visit the HOP.

I lurk, not much time to post most of the time though :(

I work long days on top of a long commute leaves little spare time :/

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only took me 7 years to do that

you sound like one of those fancy pants people with one of these "jobs"

must be nice :roflmao:

i got a spam string in the hop somewhere about 4 years ago when I was in college and bored out of my mind in class..but this is the most i've ever posted in here

..back to work..

Yes! Cause Duran is bassless :suicide-santa:

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All work and little play will make you go crazy ;)

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my my my my music hits me so hard makes me say OML.


Hammer time !

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'Drove' a modified Civic today. Actually just backed it out the driveway and then back in so I can drive the Jeep.

Almost stalled the engine a dozen times. Damn lack of torque :lol:

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