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  On 5/26/2010 at 2:50 PM, denim said:
  On 5/25/2010 at 10:34 PM, Duran said:

Thanks for the stickers Aaron, gonna go put them on now :)

Awesome. :)


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Well all this talk about vehicle problems got me today :( I was on my way home and pushed on the brakes slowing down, then I went to move foward and the truck moved but very slow and hard. I pulled into the driveway to find the drive side front brake hanging up and hotter than hell. I figured screw it, I was going to replace the brakes, rotors and calipers on bothe sides. The truck is a 1998 F-150. Called my father in law and he got all the parts for me and I went to work. Sure was a nice day to be working outside, the sun felt good.

Long story short I put the calipers on the wrong sides not paying attention, with the bleeder on the bottom and this prevented all of the air from coming out. After I realized what I had done, I felt like an idiot. I was bleeding brakes for an hour or better, wondering WTF was going on. All well lesson learned. :)

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Not a mistake you'll ever make again. I know that exact feeling btw.

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So Matt, I am curious. You recommended about 30g of whey protein in powder form.

Milk has 3.2g of protein per 3.5oz of which 20% is whey or (.64g). So why not 46.8 servings of 3.5oz (164oz) of milk instead?


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1/4 to my year end goal on the bike :)

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  On 5/28/2010 at 2:50 AM, ///M5 said:

So Matt, I am curious. You recommended about 30g of whey protein in powder form.

Milk has 3.2g of protein per 3.5oz of which 20% is whey or (.64g). So why not 46.8 servings of 3.5oz (164oz) of milk instead?


let me 'splain. No... let me sum up.

Great question. Lots of tree hugger gym guys go by that method. It's natural and unprocessed etc. Milk also has some nice vitamins and minerals. I still feel it's weak sauce next to a dextrose/whey based solution.

Milk sugar lactose is worthless for what you want. It could actually slow down what you're going for in the insulin response, It's too hard to standardize. All milk also has milk fat even skim, and that DOES take away from what you're going for.

Whey gets into the body Whey faster( nutrition jokes). Casien is amazing don't get me wrong but you want mega fast amino acid and whey is king. It also has the best amino acid profile that's easy to get in your body. Eggs are the next best, but you don't want fat so no yolks, and cooking whites until they turn white is a bad idea too. You can buy liquid whites though and that would work.

Globally in digestion terms your gut can only take in so many macro nutrients and use them within a given time. I would rather everything be flooded by super helpers than meh helpers. It's all about timing the insulin spike with the hormones in your blood and maximizing what you can get into your cells at that time.

Finally and for some most importantly, almost no one can bike for a couple hours and then pound a half gallon+ of milk in the same 5-10 min you can a shake. That means you're not only limiting your digestion chemically because you can't break it down and absorb it, but mechanically all of it's not in your gut.

When I started working out I used skim milk. I think it does a good job, but dextrose and processed whey does a great job. And it's eleventy bajillion times easier to bring to the gym or on a bike than a gallon of milk.

If a guy had some personal feeling that we must use a "whole" ingredient, milk is a quality option. Personally I feel excluding processed nutrients is silly. Yogurt and cheese is a processed food as is sour creme. Whey is just a by product of the cheese making. No organic hemp wearing hippy would skip his no preservatives "all natural" cheese and organic plum tomato pizza made with non GMO wheat crust. I feel that that atitude is a bit, in the words of Gee Dubba, hiposyncratical.

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  On 5/28/2010 at 2:58 AM, ///M5 said:

1/4 to my year end goal on the bike :)

You will slaughter that goal then!

Did you just ask me about milk to because you knew I would type another novel?


I say so much because, I don't want to sound like I'm selling some BS marketing such as magic pebble auio snake oil crap.

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WASHINGTON — The House has voted to repeal the 1993 law known as "don't ask, don't tell" and allow gays to serve openly in the military.

The House vote Thursday came several hours after the Senate Armed Services Committee took the same course and approved a measure repealing the policy that prohibits service by gays who openly acknowledge their sexual orientation.

I know I almost never say this, but, thank you Congress

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and fuck you Clinton for having us clean up your messes

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  On 5/28/2010 at 2:43 AM, ///M5 said:

Not a mistake you'll ever make again. I know that exact feeling btw.

That is for sure!

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  On 5/28/2010 at 3:29 AM, dem beats said:
  On 5/28/2010 at 2:50 AM, ///M5 said:

So Matt, I am curious. You recommended about 30g of whey protein in powder form.

Milk has 3.2g of protein per 3.5oz of which 20% is whey or (.64g). So why not 46.8 servings of 3.5oz (164oz) of milk instead?


let me 'splain. No... let me sum up.

Great question. Lots of tree hugger gym guys go by that method. It's natural and unprocessed etc. Milk also has some nice vitamins and minerals. I still feel it's weak sauce next to a dextrose/whey based solution.

Milk sugar lactose is worthless for what you want. It could actually slow down what you're going for in the insulin response, It's too hard to standardize. All milk also has milk fat even skim, and that DOES take away from what you're going for.

Whey gets into the body Whey faster( nutrition jokes). Casien is amazing don't get me wrong but you want mega fast amino acid and whey is king. It also has the best amino acid profile that's easy to get in your body. Eggs are the next best, but you don't want fat so no yolks, and cooking whites until they turn white is a bad idea too. You can buy liquid whites though and that would work.

Globally in digestion terms your gut can only take in so many macro nutrients and use them within a given time. I would rather everything be flooded by super helpers than meh helpers. It's all about timing the insulin spike with the hormones in your blood and maximizing what you can get into your cells at that time.

Finally and for some most importantly, almost no one can bike for a couple hours and then pound a half gallon+ of milk in the same 5-10 min you can a shake. That means you're not only limiting your digestion chemically because you can't break it down and absorb it, but mechanically all of it's not in your gut.

When I started working out I used skim milk. I think it does a good job, but dextrose and processed whey does a great job. And it's eleventy bajillion times easier to bring to the gym or on a bike than a gallon of milk.

If a guy had some personal feeling that we must use a "whole" ingredient, milk is a quality option. Personally I feel excluding processed nutrients is silly. Yogurt and cheese is a processed food as is sour creme. Whey is just a by product of the cheese making. No organic hemp wearing hippy would skip his no preservatives "all natural" cheese and organic plum tomato pizza made with non GMO wheat crust. I feel that that atitude is a bit, in the words of Gee Dubba, hiposyncratical.

Matt, thanks for the response but it was a joke. I may be one of the few people that could pound 164oz of something, but I have NO desire too. I thought maybe the :P gave that away. I WAS curious as to what the fat and lactose would do. Personally I drink almost no milk, but that is because I am a little intolerant and get monster gas....the whey seems to do that also though :)

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  On 5/28/2010 at 3:35 AM, dem beats said:
  On 5/28/2010 at 2:58 AM, ///M5 said:

1/4 to my year end goal on the bike :)

You will slaughter that goal then!

Did you just ask me about milk to because you knew I would type another novel?


I say so much because, I don't want to sound like I'm selling some BS marketing such as magic pebble auio snake oil crap.

Actually I asked partly because I did the math out of curiosity and wanted to let you know that even when I ask for advice I think about the response. Again chugging >gal in a sitting isn't what I'd call fun, unless its beer and I am still in college.

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I had a feeling you wuz joking.

Gave me the oportunity to talk about lactose though. It sucks for spiking insulin.

I heard a stud about milk and how the rest of the world is mostly lactose intolerent other than some milk centric tribal cultures. Comming across the boat was hard enough, and if you couldn't get nutrition from milk you might starve. So most original settlers were lactose tolerant.

I don't know if it's a true fact, but it certainly sounds good.

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I'm really thinking about getting the rock BBQ stoker.........

Also want another smoker also.... Maybe grill...

Thought about a drum smoker/grill for summer BBQ and grilling for huge outside events, as it would be all but worthless in the winter here.

Spending 1k on the XL BGE would be tough to swallow though.

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All this talk about the damn BGE makes me want to buy one. Damn you all for spending my money! :P

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I really don't like spending money. However I like nice things. It's so hard!

Ryan you're bad as you got me looking into custom built rifles now... good lordy.

Pretty easy to make that hobby 2nd mortgage worthy.

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Armalite makes a really affordable .338 Lap. I'm not sure about overall quality and accuracy, but it definately looks the part.

I found a website that makes complete custom build though and boy oh boy.

Acuracy international makes some sweet units, but $$$$. Sako TRG is spendy too.

What do you think about Van Dyke rifles? I heard that name while looking up companies and read something about them making a nice unit.

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Never heard of them. There are a lot of different places that make good bolt guns, though fewer that make truly exceptional bolt guns. It really all depends on how much your going to use it and how much you want to spend.

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I'm not sure Affordable and .338 Lapua should be in the same sentence...

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You should be able to put together a excellent rifle for 2k or under, then you need another 800+ in glass on top of it.

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Glad that is one thing you guys haven't gotten me going on. I've rarely shot anything. Where I could be swayed though is being conned into bird hunting. I love me some wild bird.

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  On 5/28/2010 at 2:17 PM, topgun said:

You should be able to put together a excellent rifle for 2k or under, then you need another 800+ in glass on top of it.

Barring your preferance you made before if you were to build a great .338 rifle for under 2k what would you do?

:opens mouth waiting for spoon fed goodness:


It's really hard to know the quality from the garbage in this industry. The armalite is under 2k. The opposite end is the timberwolf which is ~7k, but it's the tested rifle the guy in the article you linked talking about the .338.

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  On 5/28/2010 at 2:39 PM, ///M5 said:

Glad that is one thing you guys haven't gotten me going on. I've rarely shot anything. Where I could be swayed though is being conned into bird hunting. I love me some wild bird.

It's SO easy for me to get into. SO easy.

Even paper is joyfull to hit.

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  On 5/28/2010 at 2:16 PM, topgun said:

I'm not sure Affordable and .338 Lapua should be in the same sentence...

affordability is to .338 Lapua as gourmet food is to McDonald's

if they had these kinds of analogies on the SAT I might have gotten a much higher score

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  On 5/28/2010 at 2:50 PM, dem beats said:
  On 5/28/2010 at 2:39 PM, ///M5 said:

Glad that is one thing you guys haven't gotten me going on. I've rarely shot anything. Where I could be swayed though is being conned into bird hunting. I love me some wild bird.

It's SO easy for me to get into. SO easy.

Even paper is joyfull to hit.

We actually went plinking yesterday. Put a few of these Hornady JHP's through the Redhawk; not bad, not bad at all. The lever action Marlin was a different story though, as there isn't really any padding on the stock and it tore my shoulder all to hell. Best part of the day was trying to hit balloons at 50 and 100 yards open sight with the .22LR Marlin semi-auto. .22LR <33333333

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