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mines purtier

you should post pics :)

in fact, :stfu:

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Just made 8 quarts of roasted tomatoes, canned 6 quarts, canned 8 quarts of salsa and still have fresh tomatoes for the rest of the week :)

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Photos look good Sean, car looks pimpin as always.

Critiques on the photos though:

On the first photo the sky and reflections on the hood are washed out

Photo two, to much foreground and I would turn the wheels the other way

Also, maybe its just my eyes late at night, but they seem a little fuzzy, they just don't look in sharp focus.

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Just some things I noticed at first glance, I've taken and judged way to many photos growing up to not comment on them. :)

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Photos look good Sean, car looks pimpin as always.

Critiques on the photos though:

On the first photo the sky and reflections on the hood are washed out

Photo two, to much foreground and I would turn the wheels the other way

Also, maybe its just my eyes late at night, but they seem a little fuzzy, they just don't look in sharp focus.

Agreed completely.

I wanted sunrise, but got there too early. :( I had to this morning as I wanted the polarizer on the lens and I am loaning that lens to my parents for their trip to Italy. Shooting at a fixed 50mm is now my only option which is not ideal for where I have good backgrounds. This was sort of a test as it is 2 blocks my house :D

Reflections washed out in editing as it was too dark to see anything otherwise. :Doh: wait for ligh\t!!

The wheels turned the wrong way were done as a test shot. 2 second exposure shot from the ground with no tripod...fuzzy is expected. I did reshoot it a bit later but the focus is worse. Boo viewfinder.

I've never shot a car before with a "real" camera and realized one thing for sure. I should bring my pc & a tripod next time and still be in a place where I can use shorter exposures than 1/5 sec.

Hard to balance the handicapped parking spot, the park sign, the neighbors boat, the big ass fence, and the big hunk of torn up concrete. Better than any pictures I had of the car before though :)

*criticism considered helpful :) I've only had a camera since December.

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includes the original throwing stars with some brand new snow tires

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My classic problem. Everything is centered :Doh: No editing here.


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Obviously if you don't click on them they are really not sharp

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Couldn't tell from the viewfinder exactly what the polarizer was doing either, need the pc for that.

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Anything less than ~1/30th you are going to want a tripod. Sure you can hand hold it/improvise but it will be a lot sharper with a fixed mount. I would wait a bit longer for some real light, run a f-stop somewhere around the 5.6 mark, just go ahead and run the auto focus, no need to try to manually do it unless you have focusing rings on the viewfinder.

Absolutely not a damn thing wrong with a 50mm lens. You will notice with the 50mm in lower light you can run a lot faster shutter speeds since it will let in more light than your adj. telephoto lens will. Something else you can do is jack up the ISO to 800ish to compensate for lower light. You don't need to worry about a little bit grainer photo, especially with the digital format and where they are at with that.

Are you running in dummy mode (automatic), manual, aperture priority, or shutter priority?

I'd be tempted to run in aperture priority, set the f-stop to what you find works for you and work from there. Keep an eye on the shutter speed though to make sure that it doesn't want to lower it to much though. If it does find more light, jack up the ISO, or lower your f-stop (lower the f-stop number, bigger the opening).

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I wouldn't worry about the filter at all Sean.

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Couldn't tell from the viewfinder exactly what the polarizer was doing either, need the pc for that.

Bah. Real cameras don't need a computer.

*still loves his old school film*

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No manual focus, just spot focus. Those were shot in P meaning it had the stop as tight as possible which isn't particularly great on that lens anyway.

The problem with the 50mm is the space that I have to shoot it, not the lens. It is an F1.4 ;)

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Couldn't tell from the viewfinder exactly what the polarizer was doing either, need the pc for that.

Bah. Real cameras don't need a computer.

*still loves his old school film*

Once I know how to use it sure, but for now it would really help me see how what changes when I change settings. Mostly a learning tool.

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Aidan just played the tuba with his ass on my lap. I know whats's keeping him up.

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Sounds good Sean. One of the problems people staring out with DSLR's have is they just take photo after photo after photo without actually stopping to realize wtf is going on and why anything is changing (or not changing). I doubt you will be one of those people though. Just keep at 'er and you'll get it figured out. It took me a couple of years with manual film to be able to manipulate the controls to get what I wanted in odd scenarios.

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