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I really want an H701 or Audison Bit one....

As far as I've read, the H701 is a bit over the Bit one.

as in H701>Bitone?

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i would really like access to the proper tools and have plenty of time so i could get some damn music in the crossfire.

ugh ugh ugh

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Pretty sure Sean was referring to the other guy...

I sure hope so. I try my hardest not to type like I am bashing my head against the key board.


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I really want an H701 or Audison Bit one....

As far as I've read, the H701 is a bit over the Bit one.

as in H701>Bitone?


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Thanks for the heads up

Remember the H701 I was selling...

The original owner did some research, talked to the guys here who compared it to the H701 and decided to keep it and not buy the Bit one.

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people at TxDOT called and said my choice of vanity plates were offensive...kiss my ass lady...guess I'll have to settle for second best...

What were they?

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After sitting in a car which metered 150dB+, I fail to understand how some people can drive in those conditions. Massive ear pain in 10 seconds after entering the car and "listening" to a few bass lines :(

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After sitting in a car which metered 150dB+, I fail to understand how some people can drive in those conditions. Massive ear pain in 10 seconds after entering the car :(

Stupidity is not uncommon in the human race

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After sitting in a car which metered 150dB+, I fail to understand how some people can drive in those conditions. Massive ear pain in 10 seconds after entering the car :(

I've sat in a car that was 140dB, and that was as loud as I ever care to sit in...

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After sitting in a car which metered 150dB+, I fail to understand how some people can drive in those conditions. Massive ear pain in 10 seconds after entering the car :(

For real. Just installed 2 12" Q's in my buddies Escape (build log this weekend) and I don't know how you could daily that. It's just too loud. That was only off 500w a piece, picking up a 1500D here soon for it.

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Just picked up a Jasper 200J router jig. Who here uses this?

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I have the 200 and the 400.

Well, the 200 is in three pieces since it fell off of the bench while bolted on to the router. They work fairly well, wish they would have made them out of a little bit thicker plexi though.

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*waits for Godsmack*

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And son, unfortunatly due to your mommy and daddy not wanting to elect someone worth a damn into office

yeah been a while since we have had someone worth a damn in office, hasn't it...(yes this includes Obama, Dubya, Clinton, etc.)

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Anyone worth a damn is either corrupted or gtfo before they get there...

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iwish i made 200,000 a year

You'll understand in time (hopefully) that not having enough money is a "breathing question", as in "How does mankind survive? By breathing" or "what is the purpose of a corporation? to make money". Work hard, seek out and capitalize on opportunities and you'll do just fine in life...

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oh and make sure to have insurance and a good credit score too...

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KU, I feel a lot like you in that we should listen and abide the laws. Especialy ones that really don't effect us. Better to choose your battles. I'm not here to punch holes in what you feel, just maybe explain them differently.

I do think that Matt(Vlad is Matt right) is more in tune with what we should stand for and how I feel. Laws made to grow government and their power are wrong. Period. I think that is the end of the discussion. IMO federal/state should only be there to protect us in the grand sence via military. They should protect the stupid from being stupid to themselves. It's retarded and absurd to have DOT workers on roads that have traffic. End of story. I have done that job. It's stupid. Bandaids for broken legs will never work. It's a lot like spending money to advertise to people to be carefull of leaving on electric appliances. The juice it took to run one comercial is > if do not unplug my cell phone charger while not charging the phone. Self defeating laws, and that kind of thinking is much worse. On the surface people talk about how it will protect children and workers from cars. A car at 10 MPH will kill pretty easily. Heck I saw someone loose all the muscle on his leg from blunt force trauma from a tactor going less than 5 mph that barely bumped the guy. What laws like that are made for is a seperate agenda such as raising local money for LE and other things, and also maybe, because a local senator has a house there and he want's it quieter in his innercity lot when having guests over. It's a hell of a lot cheeper than putting up unsightly sound barier right?

Radar is much less than 3% accurate too. I don't know if these "cameras" work on a different tech, but I doubt without a SERIOUS investment that any equipment left out in the elements would stay reliable.

Thanks for being constructive in the discussion. I won't disagree that there are programs and laws passed that are just to raise money for the government, but IMO many of the things we are talking about here are ok. Maybe cameras aren't the best choice for the end they want, but my point is that abiding the speed limit law is the basis for the whole thing. I agree that government should protect people from being stupid to themselves (and others) but I think we may disagree about what that is. To me, taking drugs is stupid to yourself, drinking excessively is stupid, not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcylce is stupid, buying a gun on an impulse (referring to the waiting period law we have now) is stupid, etc.

As for highway workers, I'd agree that ideally it would be great if we could shut down the road in order to do the work, but I think we'd see our economy dip if we did that. Roads are like the country's blood vessels.

I agree I don't want to live under an all-powerful government, either. I think the government should be able to do their job without the average citizen really realizing that it's at work. Which, to me, is how the government is right now. I don't have any desires to do things that are prohibited by law (whether the law would be there or not). I don't agree with EVERYTHING the government does or doesn't do (bailout, certain military actions, etc.), but none of those are really laws, just one-time decisions. And we all make bad decisions at some time. Besides, I'd rather live here in relative safety and prosperity than nearly any other country I can think of. 80% of the rest of the world is in poverty or has lower living standards, or some kind of conflict on their own soil (note- that number was made up by me). At least my biggest worry is whether or not I'll get into a car accident today, not how I'm going to feed myself today or if some type of military person or rebel is going to come and shoot me today. At least I have options.

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Does anyone here know anyone in the Biomedical Electronics Technology field?

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without quoting that whole thing, what do you actually think the job of the govt is?

and do you think the rest of the world is a 3rd world country? that's extremely american of you

I think the govt's job is to protect and serve its people, not control them and see how much $$ they can squeeze out of them. I think that laws should be to protect people instead.

also on a side note, what happens when everyone starts doing the speed limit? then they move on and find some other way to make something that the whole population does illegal. remember that if the majority of people do it, then by nature it shouldn't be illegal.

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Matt your definately hard line. Sounds like you put that into your school, and eventualy medical world too. I vote and beleive the same way. Problem is not everyone does.

I will be the devils advocate and say he never mentioned that the rest of the world is a 3rd world. Lets leave out war climate, and other situational issues and talk about more industrial countries. We just have a much better quality of life. IMO I agree with KU on that. That differs though depending on your metric. I'm most happy that I can get a .7 acre inside the city in a really clean enviroment and still afford to buy toys. All on less than your average teachers salary. I'm willing to work hard and take that oportunity though. Some don't like that thought. Too much responsibility. I like the space I have. I have dental and medical, most of the people I know do to. Even when living in bad areas you can still acheive ownership. Most countries in Europe have a situation where the person basicaly lives their entire life renting and not establishing. Same in most asain countries.

My feelings are I would like more freedoms, even if that means that I may have less handed to me. If I choose to I can make a space for myself, if not, then I get what I worked for. My friends in other countries love life, but for them even if they work hard all day every day they cannot scrape much more than the life they were born into. This isn't true everywhere, but from my atmitedly sheltered view, it's what I have seen.

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iwish i made 200,000 a year

You'll understand in time (hopefully) that not having enough money is a "breathing question", as in "How does mankind survive? By breathing" or "what is the purpose of a corporation? to make money". Work hard, seek out and capitalize on opportunities and you'll do just fine in life...

this is truely wise.

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OK thinking that 10 times VAS would be correct in guessing where IB would begin to be a posibility, if I have 2 drivers that are 383L vas. That would mean 7660L or 120 Cubic feet.


Does that math sound right??

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*waits for Godsmack*



But then again you are the Penguin

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