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I had to downgrade from IE7 to IE6 on my work computer, talk about ghey....

and no mozilla doesn't work on our work computer

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well this is coming from a guy that would wake up in the middle of the night and sometimes grab a Dr. Pepper, drink it and go right back to sleep.

I do believe however that Guarana is effective in my body. I always get so damn jittery

dude i can down a 24 oz cappuccino vanilla style (either convience store crap or coffee house real good ness), or a BIG monster and STILL fall asleep just as fast as when he is exhusted.

Caffine has a minimal effect on me PERIOD.

Its kinda funny and sad at once.


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wow, supposed to be 78 here today

82 here. Isn't it grand? ( sarcastic,rhetorical question )

I want some cold and snow, damnit :angry22: 10 months of heat here a year is enough

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Its actually cold here in Texas. It was 36* at 11 AM with the sun shining.

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Heading out too. Time to jump into Baltimore rush hour traffic. Going to get screwed by the Obama crowds from out of town.

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Heading out too. Time to jump into Baltimore rush hour traffic. Going to get screwed by the Obama crowds from out of town.

Yea beacuse this 'is hostory in the making' we only have to go to formation on tuesday morning then we off till afta lunch time. They are saying we might get quized on it too.......Honestly I know its a 1st but personally i could give a fuck less if the pres was man or woman; black or white or even green. As long as they get us out of Iraq, pull our economy out of the pooper and make our country prosperous again.


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Heading out too. Time to jump into Baltimore rush hour traffic. Going to get screwed by the Obama crowds from out of town.

Yea beacuse this 'is hostory in the making' we only have to go to formation on tuesday morning then we off till afta lunch time. They are saying we might get quized on it too.......Honestly I know its a 1st but personally i could give a fudge less if the pres was man or woman; black or white or even green. As long as they get us out of Iraq, pull our economy out of the pooper and make our country prosperous again.


damn straight!

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just got an unexpected pre-birthday shopping trip to Amoeba Music in Berkeley. My collection is rebuilding itself a lot faster than i thought it would after my last laptop crapped and the hd died. got another 10-15 albums today, bringing me up around 1500 songs from 0 a few weeks ago.

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just got an unexpected pre-birthday shopping trip to Amoeba Music in Berkeley. My collection is rebuilding itself a lot faster than i thought it would after my last laptop crapped and the hd died. got another 10-15 albums today, bringing me up around 1500 songs from 0 a few weeks ago.

u couldnt take ur cpu to anybody to get the stuff off ur hd?

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just got home

a drive that usually takes 45-50minutes took

90 minutes! damn construction, and dumbass ppl

i really dont understand y the traffic backs up so bad where it does

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the HD is dead, it makes a grinding noise. i bought a really nice tablet pc for the price of a new HD and OS for my old laptop so i figure it's not worth trying to bring the machine back to life.

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got a nice evening going here, it's nice to be able to drink beer with my pop and listen to music. some quality father son time for my birthday :)

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one of the pups found a big ass rock or something, now they're playing "catch" with it...one picks it up with its mouth and chunks it across the porch, they both run after it and fight over it, repeat ad nauseum...

I can honestly say I've never seen a dog do that before

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god i want to fucking stab the gf sometimes. Why the hell do women have to lie about everything???? i mean EVERYTHING

we're cooking and she wants to bake the bread before cooking the meatballs...i told her to wait because the meatballs are wayy better if they simmer in the sauce for a little while (the perfect amount of time to bake the bread, and it'll be warm when we're ready to eat it).

so anyway, she puts the meatballs in the oven then starts to put the bread in with them, asks me if they will fit in with them......uhm ok i thought we were gonna wait to put the bread in???? and then she says "i wasn't going to put the bread in"

.....ok so you just asked about the space constraints of the oven?????

about five times i asked her and she sticks to her lie....i cannot handle shit like that, the bread is now in the trash and she's going to the grocery store to get more (already baked i'm sure).

why lie about such stupid shit? i'm not as crazy as the story makes me sound, she's been doing this more and more over the past couple weeks and we've fought about it about a dozen times and still she keeps it up. she keeps lying about little shit and i'm going to start lying about big shit.

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.....ok so you just asked about the space constraints of the oven?????


Bitches be crazy!

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Ahh damn you caught it before I could edit it Double Pwnage!

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Line Length 156.564

Folded Height 78.282

Vb 15.084

Sm 332.975

Depth 21.700

Width 15.344

zdriver 33.974

a-b-c 10.850

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http://www.zillaspeak.com/pioneerb20-piezo.asp Would mind building them these...

Hell I just want to build something

i've had a hankering to build something too. i already got my dad Monitor Audio RS6's for his home stereo so no need for speakers but i was thinking about building a dayton titanic mkIII 10" subwoofer to go with his towers because they're lacking a little on the low end.

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