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sean u crack me up!

is it the part about them spending daddy's money that makes them ugly to u? j/w

being lazy, fake people is what makes them ugly.

it's actually true, i haven't had a quality girlfriend in over a year. at first being around all these girls that look like they're from a ggw dvd was exciting, then one discovers how empty they are inside. i actually have more compelling conversations with my electronics equipment and my dog than most of the girls out here. now that's not to say they aren't great for a poke now and then but when you're sober it's tough to dumb yourself down to their level, almost demeaning.

exact same way around here

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Finally got my 12v power supply for the DCX2496 to install in the Cadillac, only took a month and a half...

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Hopefully I should get off ratio watch on Waffles soon, if this freeleech keeps up :)

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Pretty crazy. A parasite that breeds in cat poop. The mice eat the cat poop, and the parasite goes to the mouse's brain. Once there, it rewires the brain to make the mouse LIKE cats so that it will go up to them and be eaten. Then the parasite goes back into the cat poop and the cycle starts over. Wicked little thing.

Plus it says perhaps 1 in 5 americans are infected with it, and it may cause more traffic accidents and crazy behavior in people. Yikes.

The page also talks about a few other parasites like this, like a worm that gets into a cricket and makes it drown itself and a parasite that gets into an ant's brain to make it repeatedly walk up blades of grass so that it will get eaten by cows, where the parasite reproduces.

That's some crazy shit. Mind-controlling parasites. Makes me shudder. Plus read the first comment towards the bottom, it's about somebody's family members who love cats, have mental disorders, and purposefully don't clean up after the cats.

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actually KU, it's not uncommon at all. parasites are kind of known for doing the whole mind control thing. a few i can think of(not names, but hosts) are ants, snails, and there was one for some crustaceans but i don't remember which.

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Hmmmm parasites that controll the mind.

prahaps the cause of racism?

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Hmmmm parasites that controll the mind.

prahaps the cause of racism?

As fucked up as parasites are, that's too generous :(

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actually KU, it's not uncommon at all. parasites are kind of known for doing the whole mind control thing. a few i can think of(not names, but hosts) are ants, snails, and there was one for some crustaceans but i don't remember which.

ha, all three of those were listed in the link I gave. the ants and snails were in the same chain, though, as the one I was talking about with the ants and cows. the parasite went from the cows to the snail to the ant, then back through the cow by walking up the grass. It didn't say how it went between each though. And the crustacean is a crab, and the parasite is a barnacle that makes the male crab dig nesting holes for it. If it latches onto a female, it destroys her reproductive system and then makes her dig too. Both were in that article :)

I just thought it was crazy, I don't think I've heard of it before.

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I rented "Reeker" and "Pulse" as scary movies for tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully they don't suck.

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oh and my roommate said the girl from last weekend is coming back tonight, dressed as a beer girl with a skimpy skirt. I'm going to try and get pictures :)

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oh and my roommate said the girl from last weekend is coming back tonight, dressed as a beer girl with a skimpy skirt. I'm going to try and get pictures :)


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Dr. House's appearance last night... I'm the one on the left...


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Time to go out :)

Wonder if I'll be the only one downtown without a costume...

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Time to go out :)

Wonder if I'll be the only one downtown without a costume...


you have a costume...

...Bob Dylan


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Dr. House's appearance last night... I'm the one on the left...


If by left you mean right, you are right

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Time to go out :)

Wonder if I'll be the only one downtown without a costume...


you have a costume...

...Bob Dylan



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I have a damn designated driver and yet we leave the party before 10. I hate having a cold, but the w is exhausted and I ain't far behind.

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Sometimes I hate being "in the industry." Business is business.

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Here's my roommate (left), one of our old roommates (middle) doing the male cameltoe, and the other dick-in-a-box member on the right.


And here he is with the girl. But she was too modest to wear her costume out :(. She had it on for like 2 seconds, walked 2 steps out of the bathroom and decided she didn't want to wear it out. I couldn't get a picture in that amount of time without looking like a stalker, so I had to wait until they were ready to leave. Though apparently it was actually a beer wench costume, one of those green ones. She was......hot. Sucks that my pics are a little blurry, but I was kinda in a hurry to take them and I think I need to adjust my settings. And as you can see here, I don't think she is too fond of having her picture taken even in normal settings. The first time I talked to her tonight she had on the costume, and she was like "Hi again, even though this time it's a little awkward." So I think she was pretty uncomfortable in it, even though it really wasn't any more revealing than what she has on here. The skirt wasn't any shorter, it just showed her shoulders a bit (but no cleavage at all, it was conservative).


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