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Do you absolutely need to go to class today? :)

I have to go to every class every time no exceptions. Half of the questions on all tests in upper level classes seem to come solely from topics discussed in lecture. :suicide-santa:

*time for me to rip on your prof's again :(

Questions should not be about what you have been told, but what you were supposed to learn :( :( :(

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and tests usually compromise half of the overall grade (no homework grades at all)

Homework is meaningless, if you don't get it you didn't learn. So here I finally agree with your profs

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I didn't know they had NASCAR fans in Alaska

That might be the funniest thing I've seen you type.

Yeah I tend to not use the internet after I've been drinking...tends to be a pretty good rule...

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and tests usually compromise half of the overall grade (no homework grades at all)

Homework is meaningless, if you don't get it you didn't learn. So here I finally agree with your profs

oh yes, definitely. I was just differentiating between some of my lower level classes (homework was up to 30% overall grade) and my upper level courses

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American culture



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would an electronic thermometer survive in a fridge? I'd assume so, given its so damned dry in there...

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American culture



I'm sure that's a culture, too...:D

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Apparently Palin has 5 kids: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig


in Iraq, pregnant, TBA, TBA, has down's syndrome


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American culture



Obviously that may fly as culture in Arklatexoma, but not where I live.

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*shakes fist at Gustav*

Made damn sure to fill up Friday before the refugees started pouring in. Evac shelters have been put up all over the county and the po-po is everywhere (Highway Patrolmen too)

Seems they learned their lesson after Katrina...

ya thats about how it is here

plenty of traffic comin from the east

My cousin and her fiancee live in southern louisiana and on their way out of town on saturday a lady ran a stop light and hit them and totaled the car. The lady didn't have insurance or even a driver's license. :( I'd be so pissed off.

we pulled over at least 10 vehicles from louisiana last night. all but two used the gustav excuse. and while i sympathize with them, they were well over 9 hours away from the hurricane, and unless the hurricane will traget them individually, well out of danger. there is absolutely no need to be doing 80-85mph in a 65mph zone that far away from the damn storm. the two that didn't use the hurricane as an excuse (one a truck with quite a bit of their belongings in it) didn't get a ticket, everyone else did.

we did let one guy off the hook for driving down to louisiana to help his step kids evacuate. kinda makes sense to be in a hurry going that direction.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

:woot: for cool cops! I never give excuses but sometimes I wonder if it would help. And if its an excuse it will be the absolute truth. "Officer, I really have to pee."

excuses will usually get you the ticket, unless it's something completely brand new. " i have to pee" only works if you ask the officer if you can step out of your vehicle and use a tree. we had a chick do that saturday night. we freaked out when she asked and ran out into the woods. problem was, she asked after we issued her the citation. she mentioned she had to pee, so we thought she was bs'ing us. after bobby handed her the ticket, she asked if we would mind her going in the trees. neither of us believed her until she opended her door and bolted for the woods, lol.

this works

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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if this happened to me i think i would just give them a ride home. no way i could arrest them, lol.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I was probably taught a different definition of culture than Sean was...

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I was probably taught a different definition of culture than Sean was...

I feel like I am playing T-ball, but will refrain from swinging.

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Unzipping Visual Studio '08...hope this works...

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Just had a mini-college reunion at my house. 5 Carls visited. Made some Chickens on the Rotis with some Pipian Verde sauce, hell of a great time.

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Next step is just wondering what the hell the prof is talking about. I made it through Java without problems, hoping VB isn't too much worse...

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I was probably taught a different definition of culture than Sean was...

I feel like I am playing T-ball, but will refrain from swinging.

I'm being serious. Definitions of what is culture vary from region to region. I usually stick with this M-W definition

5 a: the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations b: the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people in a place or time <popular culture> <southern culture> c: the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization <a corporate culture focused on the bottom line> d: the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic <studying the effect of computers on print culture> <changing the culture of materialism will take time

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Interesting, considering you avoided the first one definition and picked the 5th. It would be good for you to travel some more, it will really, really open your eyes. I am honestly not trying to inflame you, but as a general statement it is exactly what America is lacking and in particular certain regions which you are geographically much closer to than I.

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