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IMO the green tape makes that car look MEAN

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Please no global climate talk.. It makes my global BP go through the roof. It's hard to argue with an enviromental zealot who has only read biased books and never done research or studied stats before.

Edited by dem beats

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IMO the green tape makes that car look MEAN

Kinda like how nelly puts that bandage on his cheek?

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IMO the green tape makes that car look MEAN

I'll try to find a couple pics of guys who have blacked out their Chargers ... they become mean looking batmobiles. They also make eyebrows for the 300.

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DID YOU HIT GUMBY?????????? YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I never figured canada to have lowriders

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can't believe the douche on diyma (sorry if it's one of you guys) wants $60 + ship for the dayton rs52s. his arguement is at PE they are $70+ship so it's cheaper through him.

so...when i place my order with PE and it's virtually no increase in shipping.....how am i not spending more $$ by buying through him? explains why nobody has bought even one thing from him, but he's too slow to realize that


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And if you don't save a serious percentage, lets say at least 20% why would you buy used?

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eh my only real problem is that he acted like i was the one being oblivious. but either way even if he did offer them at a discount i have way more security buying them from PE.

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It is diyma what do you expect?

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Part of the roof on the engg building atrium is gone, a corner of the building the nuc reactor is in is gone, but I'm not about to go tour that. The reactor I hear is a mess and I know they don't want people strolling through there...

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Global warming is such a myth. You have to realize that we have only be accurately recording temperatures/ recording the depth of arctic ice for a little over 100 years in most cases. Even if you take a 500 year sample, it's nothing in comparison to the lifespan of the planet. The planet goes through a natural change of temperature. That is why we have Ice Ages.
^^its not a myth my friend... :rockwoot:

I may stand corrected...it depends in what context your using the word "myth"

And I'm sure even with millions of trees killed to print all of those "scientific findings and hypothesis" we are that much closer to saying that we understand mother nature?

It's a myth, meaning its concocted. It's nothing more than raising global awareness and added marketing. If you ask me, we all learned the truth in earth science when we studied the heating/cooling cycles of the atmosphere. It's nothing abnormal.

And need I add that hydrogen cars that emit pure water are horrible for the environment too. At least from a global warming standpoint. The highest heat holding component of our atmosphere is water vapor. Add more water vapor= more heat absorbed by the atmosphere.

And don't get me started on the effects of concrete and local temperatures.

but does the millions of trees killed (increase in temperature), hydrogen cars putting more water vapor in the atmosphere (increase in temperature) and the massive amounts of concrete and asphalt(increase in temperature) = global warming? or can we call it global increase in temperature?

Audio-neon, you and I think a lot alike in this regard.

As far as the term "global warming" is concerned, there are, IMO, two different and distinct definitions. The first is that it just means that the average temperature of the earth is increasing over some time period. The second includes the common connotation that it's man-made warming. Whenever I say global warming, I mean the first definition, aka the scientific definition. And I agree that marketing and money-making are part of the hysteria that people put into others.

Statistics are another thing that are very, very easily manipulated. Somebody could say "The temperature now is 10 degrees warmer than it was 400 years ago!" Well of course it is, numb nuts, 400 years ago was a little global thing called the "little ice age." Then you might hear "The temperature now is 5 degrees warmer than it was 50 years ago." Again, of course it was, because there was a post world-war II era cold spell. Tell me what you think about this fact- The average temperature in 2002 was higher than it was last year. Uh oh! That doesn't fit! global cooling?!?! One research paper I read came to the conclusion that high CO2 levels didn't cause higher temperatures, and that it was actually flipped. Higher temps caused higher CO2 levels.

People just want the temperature to stay exactly the same, and it just won't. The earth is way too dynamic for that.

Not to mention that we'd have just as many problems if we had global cooling. Remember the disease and famine during the little ice age of 4-500 years ago? Half the planet's population died. But nobody tells you that. Another thing that nobody tells you is that 150 million years ago there were NO polar ice caps. oops. Another thing they won't tell you is that back then CO2 levels were orders of magnitude greater than they are today.

and as somebody else mentioned, the equipment we have nowadays is much more sophisticated than it was even 100 years ago, allowing us to scrutinize every minute. Ice cores can show a decent history, but the temperature and CO2 curve they show is very smooth because they may only be able to get a recording for every 50 years or something. But now that we have better equipment, we can monitor and record temperatures every year, which makes the graph for recent history much more jagged, which makes it look like the temperature of the earth is wildly fluctuating and then humans are blamed for all of it.

Now I'm not saying that man has NO impact. I just don't know that we can distinguish between what is man-made and what is natural. And as some alluded to, taking temperature readings anywhere near a city is dumb because of the urban heat problem with concrete and tall buildings, which trap heat.

So basically what I'm saying is that nothing we're seeing today is new to the earth. It's had many many years of worse. If man wants to survive we have to adapt, just as all the animals of the past did. Humans are possibly the most adept animal in the history of the earth, so I think we'll be fine. Not that I don't think we could use a little population downgrade, but that's another topic.

Edited by KU40

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Ok, so now that I have an indication of my gas mileage and such for the saturn I have put together some numbers....

for the Z71 and SL2 that is 26.875 Gal and 14.333 Gallons respectively and $107.50/wk and $57.33/wk

The difference comes out to about a $200 Saving per week and $2400/yr

So in the next few years I should be saving quite a bit of money

LOL, $150 for repairs my ass. National average on a car with over 50k miles is $80/month

MK, $200 a wk?

The math will prove is almost every time, buying a second car, unless you get 2-3 times the mileage of the first, will not provide a savings, at least not within the first year or so.

Tabs, liscence costs, you still have to change oil in the truck several times a year, so you just added oil costs.

The only reason to buy a mileage effecient vehicle instead of your primary is if you want a different kind of vehicle, and to reduce the use of your baby.

Not to mow you down but, you also talked about performance parts for the saturn too. even if it gets you another 2 mpg and 20hp, the it will take a heck of a long time to make even the cheepest air box at $50 bucks be paid back by 2mpg.

Sry that was supposed to be $200 a month, but its still $2400 a year

This car does get nearly 2x that of my truck

Whats the point in adding the oil costs from my truck? I was doing them before hand now I'm just doing them less, because I drive it less, so thats more savings IMO. Same goes for all the taxes and such for the truck I payed them before no reason to add them again as an extra cost. And all the costs of the taxes and such from the Saturn are paid for in fuel savings.

Insurance is one important thing but in my case, since we dropped a vehicle to add the saturn the cost is still the same, or less

And yes, this new Saturn reduced the use of my baby :)

I know performance parts rarely ever pay themselves back, but more performance is just fun :D , chances are I won't put anything performance on this car, unless its homemade or I just run into some money. If I wanted to fix this car up a new paint job would be top priority.

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:+1: to a paint job

u should take pics of the scratches

believer me guys this car has some scratches

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I'll snap a few on lunch break and up load them

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