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Let some other joker eat the initial depreciation, in particular on a Caddy. They drop like rocks year 1 & 2 and then level out. Lincolns are similar. For a while it was pretty easy to buy a 5 year old L. Mark VIII drive it 80k miles and sell it for pretty much what I paid for it. Did that a couple times. 80k miles for 1k$ is sweet.

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As you may know, we have been engaged in a strategic planning effort since President Pattillo appointed a Strategic Planning Committee in December, 2006. During the past year, the committee has been learning about SFA and the opportunities and challenges facing us and gathering input from the campus community. On the Strategic Planning website (http://www.sfasu.edu/strategicplan/) you can find information on the planning process, including a list of topics suggested by you -- the SFA community for consideration by the Committee as we formulate an appropriate mission statement for the university and a series of strategic initiatives that will position SFA for success in fulfilling that mission.

Strategic Planning Committee, what a waste of alumni money...

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Just posted this on CAF in the OT section, in a Obama topic;

I understand Adcom has pissed a few people off, but still no one has answered the question of what has he done, how is he qualified, and what does he actually stand for?

I want to know, tired of hearing the rehashed buzz words such as "change" and "hope", we need to know substance and approach on how to solve these problems through his idealistic vague statements? I am really disturbed at the amount of people that, when interviewed on TV can only come up with "charisma" as their best reason to vote for Obama. I am not attacking on Obama, I am trying to learn and understand. Really funny how on the likes of CNN and MSN etc, show the demographic of Obama voters as mostly college educated, meaning the type of people who spend time and money to want to learn and know why, but here they vote for someone that there is very little out there about and even less about how and why he is going to be able to make these wildly optimistic plans he keeps stating.

Really curious as to the response and if it will have any more substance then the blind sheep on TV who seem to support him but don't know why.

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Side note, not trying to start a political convo. just wanted to share my silliness and watch their response.

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Obama wants to take my guns, Hillary wants to take my money, McCain and Huckabee want to take my freedom.

Ron Paul 2008 :peepwall: :peepwall: :peepwall: :peepwall:

Edited by Penguin4x4

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good times on ca.com last night

dude that bought LACRX's 99z10...paid 1500 bucks for it..and DD told him the motor was made of aluminum :)

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We need Ross Perot badly...very badly.

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Don't deny it, we all know you want one.


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I really need to stop looking at new pistols...

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Any luck Captain?

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Any luck Captain?

Haven't heard anything yet.

A fully loaded '05 CTS is not out of my budget ... as per what the listings on Autotrader.ca say.

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In my 3rd year here I've yet to have a class that made me excited about school...

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Any luck Captain?

Haven't heard anything yet.

A fully loaded '05 CTS is not out of my budget ... as per what the listings on Autotrader.ca say.

You will always keep me guessing, probably the only Canadian Italian bodybuilding GM guy I know.

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He is the only Canadian Italian Bodybuilder I know..... :)

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If anyone wants to feel like Santa right now, they can buy me a Walther GSP Expert. :D

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<--not motivated :(

Nap time?

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I am looking at pictures of whales.

Guess how motivated I am.

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Hopefully you mean the large creature that lives in the water, and not fat chicks. :)

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