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Dynamic Motor Analysis is a real thing. Not only do they FEA their drivers and simulate BL(x), Cms(x), and Le(x) curves, but they also have a Klippel on hand that can physically measure (more or less) the same thing. Much more than just your static small signal thiele/small parameter analysis (Dynamic vs. Static).

Honestly, if it's from JL Audio, you can almost always bet real, viable, and impressive engineering is behind it.

And here I've been lumping them in together with Audiobahn and Pyle...learn something new every day

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boring. 4 door. :(

but the price is a fraction of what a 2 door in that shape would cost

besides, it'd match the other one :P

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Doing an extra credit survey for philosophy class, seeing how many responses I can get:

Logical Argument of Evil: If God can prevent the destructive suffering of the innocent, yet chooses not to, He is not good. If God chooses to prevent the suffering but cannot, He is not omnipotent. If God cannot recognize the suffering of the innocent, he is not wise.

In the Western tradition, God is defined as possessing these three attributes: omnipotence, omniscience and omnibenevolence.

Can one rationally believe BOTH: that all of the premises of the logical argument of evil are true, and that the traditional Western God exists?

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Logic and religion aren't very compatible :P

As much as it seems to be a cop-out, I'm agnostic...

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why does an acceptance of suffering have to mean he's bad?

fear the hand of god, though our god comes across as nice, the one from a few hundred years ago definitely was not.

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to quote pulp fiction....

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

doesn't sound like a guy i'd turn my back on.

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I ... am ... so ... tired.

I cannot wait for a whole, wait, let me count. 12 days. I get 12 days off for the holidays. F!ck.

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And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.

Ezekiel 25:17, KJV


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May God have mercy on the iron weight plates, 'cause I sure the f!ck won't.

The New Book of Steve, Pi:r^2

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May God have mercy on the iron weight plates, 'cause I sure the f!ck won't.

The New Book of Steve, Pi:r^2

there's a man, goin' round, takin' names...

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Class scheduling gives me a major headache.

Time to force-add...wheeeeee

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At this rate I'm pretty sure I'm never going to graduate.

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LOL at you guys messing around at CA.com!!!!!!

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Alright finally read that whole long thread. Hilarty++ but it does bring up a good point of manufacturers and their markeneering...like that "Dynamic Motor Analysis" system JL uses on the W6v2's and W7's...although that may actually be real engineering...not really keen on all the EE jargon...



Dynamic Motor Analysis is a real thing. Not only do they FEA their drivers and simulate BL(x), Cms(x), and Le(x) curves, but they also have a Klippel on hand that can physically measure (more or less) the same thing. Much more than just your static small signal thiele/small parameter analysis (Dynamic vs. Static).

Honestly, if it's from JL Audio, you can almost always bet real, viable, and impressive engineering is behind it.

A lot of manufacturers do that however.

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Interesting night in the hop.............

I'm gonna say yay

for no good reason

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Doing an extra credit survey for philosophy class, seeing how many responses I can get:

Logical Argument of Evil: If God can prevent the destructive suffering of the innocent, yet chooses not to, He is not good. If God chooses to prevent the suffering but cannot, He is not omnipotent. If God cannot recognize the suffering of the innocent, he is not wise.

In the Western tradition, God is defined as possessing these three attributes: omnipotence, omniscience and omnibenevolence.

Can one rationally believe BOTH: that all of the premises of the logical argument of evil are true, and that the traditional Western God exists?

Powerful debate man..............

I cannot explain this well for you but let me refer my lady to this and have her let me know. She is the Christianity expert not I.


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