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lol they just gave me a figure with the results on it, and I'm supposed to tell them why they used the test and what the results mean. It's got antibody vs weight and i'm wondering if the analysis actually measures yield of the antibodies? it seems that way but i don't know why the hell they'd care about how much unless they're just showing that antibody XXX is there and XXXX is not.

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i thought of you at the gym monday too...some idiot that worked there started critiquing my workout. Gave me hell over the bicep burnout, asked why i was even bothering. I explained to build up my arm that sucks and he says well if you do...bla bla bla it'll be better. He was so full of chit he was really getting on my nerves. Even saying i should be doing 8 reps instead of 6 on my last set of one of them. then he moved on to the "i've been working out for two years....."

at that moment i really wished i had an MP3 player so i could have pretended to never have even heard him.

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  vladd said:
i thought of you at the gym monday too...some idiot that worked there started critiquing my workout. Gave me hell over the bicep burnout, asked why i was even bothering. I explained to build up my arm that sucks and he says well if you do...bla bla bla it'll be better. He was so full of chit he was really getting on my nerves. Even saying i should be doing 8 reps instead of 6 on my last set of one of them. then he moved on to the "i've been working out for two years....."

at that moment i really wished i had an MP3 player so i could have pretended to never have even heard him.

I would have told him, "just because you have been working out for 2 years does not mean you properly know how to work out or diet." Come back with some hard proof and I'll then decide to switch my workout.

I hate people like that. I never ran into anyone like that but I had people ask me stuff from time to time. I would just blow them off because they were guys that would be in the gym for a week and then leave. This is of course whenever I was in the gym for a year, lol.

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at one point (after i told him i needed to work on wrist strength) he told me i needed to be doing hammer curls.

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i did kind of insult him though...unintentionally. He asked me if i wanted to "balk", i reply "????", he continues "u wantin to balk up?", i say "wtf is balk?"

and then i realize he meant bulk....

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Between Steve, Jacob and I, you should have plenty of resources to pull from that will trump that fool.

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i was just kind of pissed that he even talked to me. I don't go there to make friends, i don't go to have great conversations. Even julie knows when she goes with me to just sit there and be quiet. It's my ME time, my quiet time to work off the stress.

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  vladd said:
i was just kind of pissed that he even talked to me. I don't go there to make friends, i don't go to have great conversations. Even julie knows when she goes with me to just sit there and be quiet. It's my ME time, my quiet time to work off the stress.

Same reason I have my iPod spinning and my hat low. ;)

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  vladd said:
i was just kind of pissed that he even talked to me. I don't go there to make friends, i don't go to have great conversations. Even julie knows when she goes with me to just sit there and be quiet. It's my ME time, my quiet time to work off the stress.

I don't use an mp3 player in the gym. I just walk around in the gym without a smile on my face ... like I'm going to kill someone or that I hate the world. It doesn't make me any friends, but nobody says a word to me and I love it. The odd time I'll get a kid ask about an exercise I'm doing, and so long as I am in my rest period, I'll explain what they need to know.

When I'm doing heavy deadlifts or something similar and I'm doing my pre-lift mental visualization of the actual lift, stay the f!ck out of my way. That is one of the rare occasions that I will tell someone off. Or when someone uses iron plates on the wooden platforms that clearly say "rubber plates only" on them in big blue letters. When people stare or when people do stupid shit in the gym, I take that and it fuels me to push myself harder. I'll let you go right ahead and do the clean and jerk dead wrong ... I don't care if you screw up your elbows and wrists because of it ... you were too dumb to ask for help and learn the proper form in the first place. I will come off as cocky and use the platform beside you, take a light weight, do the proper form, and put everything away ... even on a non-olympic day ... only to watch them do the exact same thing day after day. I gave you your chance and you didn't take it.

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like aaron and steve have said, a Gym is a place to workout. Not a place to go and say, "hey guys what's going in the world." Ya know? I just hate people that went to the gym to talk and socialize. Steve, you act a lot like the guy who I used to workout with. He wouldn't answer you until he was at a resting point or something. It was funny.

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  topgun said:
Crap, I'm going to have trouble keeping this speech under 5 min...

I regularly give 60 min talks with no prepartion, but would say the hardest part of any speech is keeping it under then length and not above.

How did it go?

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  mrray13 said:
  ///M5 said:
  mrray13 said:
  ///M5 said:
Nice upgrade! I love the King.

yeah, the king is pretty pimp, lol. i'll try and get some good pics today, teh weather is perfect for it. i want to play golf too, but alas, everyone (but me) is at work, hehe. guess i'll just have to ride then...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

Definite road tripping machine. I get to ride my Uncles every now and then and love it!!

yeah. i have aremovable sissy bar for it as well, the wifely loves the thing. i wasn't all that keen about trading int eh train, but the wife jsut keep pushing on this scoot. hell, pymnts barely went up and i got one helluva ride. (from the wife too :drink40: )

the best part about the king is the room. it's the roomiest bike i've been on. makes long trips nice!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

You can imagine that roominess to me is key for a long ride :D

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  topgun said:
I got this email today... The guy who sent it is a complete arseho and has his head stuck up his ass but I might go anyways, I'm going to the match they mention, but I suppose I can go early since they will pay for it. :D

If they are paying the standard .49$ a mile that is a 450$+ check... :D

Congratulations on your fine performance at the 2007 National Junior Olympic Championships for 3 Position Air Rifle or Progressive Position Air Pistol in Bowling Green, KY this past July.

You and your coach are invited to attend the Junior Olympic Development Camp at the U.S. Olympic Training Center (OTC) November 27-28, 2007. I prefer that it be the coach that you (and your team?) work with most closely throughout the year, but will allow your parent to attend if they also coach you and your regular coach is not available. If you have entered college, your college coach is invited.

I will provide airline tickets (or mileage) and dorm housing and meals at the OTC. I will bring you in on Monday November 26. The camp is Nov. 27-28 and you will have the option of traveling home Nov. 29 or staying on for the 3X Air match here (see USA Shooting website) and departing Dec. 2 or 3.

Go, go, go. Congrats man, quite the honor to be selected enough to where they will pay you to travel. That is like round 2 at a job interview. :drink40:

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  ANeonRider said:
Election time in the People's Republic of Saskatchewan... time to remove the socialist government!

I wish I could vote to help with that.

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  topgun said:
My line of thinking has always been, if they are teaching it, they should be able to easily do all the exams/homework in no time at all...

especially considering they wrote the problems........

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  Adrian_D said:
  topgun said:
  Adrian_D said:
live music in pubs is coooool :D

Last time I went to a concert in a bar, I smelled of smoke Soooo bad when I got out it wasn't even funny.

the smoke forced me out.

if i ever open a bar, it's going to be a non-smoking bar :lol:

MN went smoke free statewide Oct 1. The twin cities has been that way for a few years, but now the rednecks have to abide as well. The band I saw tonight in Ann Arbor though brought out the smokers and I ain't used to that shit anymore. My clothes smell like hell :(

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  vladd said:
wtf.... whiny roommate has had his fiance over every day for the past few days. He whines about pimp roomie until he(pimp) actually leaves for a few days to get away, and then whiny roomie does this.

err i don't know if i filled in what happened before, whiny told pimp that he was going to move unless pimp's gf stopped coming over so much.

I'm so confused, i hope they have a death match in the living room, guns allowed.

whiny roomate is a bitch. Tell him to take the sand out of his vagina and be a man.

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  Chevy350TPI said:
  vladd said:
i was just kind of pissed that he even talked to me. I don't go there to make friends, i don't go to have great conversations. Even julie knows when she goes with me to just sit there and be quiet. It's my ME time, my quiet time to work off the stress.

I don't use an mp3 player in the gym. I just walk around in the gym without a smile on my face ... like I'm going to kill someone or that I hate the world. It doesn't make me any friends, but nobody says a word to me and I love it. The odd time I'll get a kid ask about an exercise I'm doing, and so long as I am in my rest period, I'll explain what they need to know.

When I'm doing heavy deadlifts or something similar and I'm doing my pre-lift mental visualization of the actual lift, stay the f!ck out of my way. That is one of the rare occasions that I will tell someone off. Or when someone uses iron plates on the wooden platforms that clearly say "rubber plates only" on them in big blue letters. When people stare or when people do stupid shit in the gym, I take that and it fuels me to push myself harder. I'll let you go right ahead and do the clean and jerk dead wrong ... I don't care if you screw up your elbows and wrists because of it ... you were too dumb to ask for help and learn the proper form in the first place. I will come off as cocky and use the platform beside you, take a light weight, do the proper form, and put everything away ... even on a non-olympic day ... only to watch them do the exact same thing day after day. I gave you your chance and you didn't take it.

Shit, if you don't want people to talk to you don't answer when they start. I like the whole smile and act non-connected attitude though. Fuck people who don't want to be serious when they should be.

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  ///M5 said:
  topgun said:
Crap, I'm going to have trouble keeping this speech under 5 min...

I regularly give 60 min talks with no prepartion, but would say the hardest part of any speech is keeping it under then length and not above.

How did it go?

Fricking nailed it. :)

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