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  Chevy350TPI said:
Have a little bit of spare money to throw around right now, so I may look at replacing the 9813.

Nothing wrong with it - once in a while when you turn it on everything lights up and won't let you adjust anything on the unit. Shut it off and fire it back up makes it just fine.

Maybe I'll look at the 9887 ... or the P9800BT ... or the DXZ775 ... or the CD5100. Shit, they are all way too fancy for me.

880 ftw

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  2kchevy said:
so it appears I need more practice before I go to the casino again, I did ok at first but just couldn't catch anything that was suited together or pocketed really. Oh well, back to online poker...I'm up 3k. lol

Oh lord, you went to the casino already? I have a friend that has two jobs. The first is doing vibration analysis and the second is playing poker. With the influx of popularity on hold

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Tis why I stick to shooting pool if I want to gamble :)

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I would rather watch. Or if I have to switch to a game where the odds are closer to your favor like craps or blackjack. If you can't win at blackjack at a casino you should RUN as fast as you can from the poker room. Either that or just send me your money cause it is going down the drain anyways.

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Just noticed a post with the nasty LSQ in it

*checks for filter

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Although I suppose it may not work on me since I can type shit, fuck, cunt and such.

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Perhaps a fun filter would be to turn the word cunt into,

"no matter what I said so far, I am a big pussy"

You would then get sentences like.

I can't believe that fucking "no matter what I said so far, I am a big pussy".

I was at home and the woman was bitching at me, I looked at her and said shut up you "no matter what I said so far, I am a big pussy"

and so on.

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My internet is down. Crackberry connection ftw.

Actually it sucks 115k is not what I am used to. It crapped out when I tried to watch the Chinese Car youtube vid. :(

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god damn it, out there for 20min to separate the ball joins (control arms completely off the car) and it's so hot i actually HAD to come back in. no way it should be this hot, this early.

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Why do some people , once given a bit of knowledge. Turn into some of the biggest arsehos around , and act as if they don't have the time in their busy forum reading schedule to answer the same questions they asked when first starting out :(

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In a bad mood this morning . see more and more idiots on the drive to work everyday . :(

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lotta idiots at another forum that I hardly post at anymore as well :(

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Today on my drive in . I was cruising 65mph next to a lady who was talking on the cell, putting on lipstick , and had the dog on her lap with it's head hanging out the window. All at the same time :(

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Should have honked your horn & hopefully the dog would have jumped out the window.

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  ramos said:
Why do some people , once given a bit of knowledge. Turn into some of the biggest arsehos around , and act as if they don't have the time in their busy forum reading schedule to answer the same questions they asked when first starting out :(

for a minute i thought you were talking about me, but i was an arseho way before i had any knowledge

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  ANeonRider said:
It's been 2.5 years since I posted there. Woowee.

I mostly like to post there to go after people giving bad advice. For about 10 minutes every 3 months.

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  vladd said:
  ramos said:
Why do some people , once given a bit of knowledge. Turn into some of the biggest arsehos around , and act as if they don't have the time in their busy forum reading schedule to answer the same questions they asked when first starting out :(

for a minute i thought you were talking about me, but i was an arseho way before i had any knowledge

whatta ya mean for a minute? he was talking about you. :D

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pucking ball joints on the fiero arent bolted in, i'm going to have to drill out the brads or whatever they are. I don't want to set up the drill press in this heat...so it'll wait until the new ball joints come in.

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no wasn't talking about you Matt . :)

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so bored this morning I have resorted to playing super mario brothers and contra :(

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