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06 Scion xB

Box question

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Ok, I have a Sundown Audio 1500d and a Massive Audio DMX 12 with quad 1's. The box is as follows 2.5 cubes tuned to 40 hz, both sub and port fire up. This is in a 06 Scion xB. Here's my questions?

1) Would it be louder if I went with sub up port back?

2) Other then big 3 what else will get me more db's? I am really thinking of changing to a nightshade 12.

Thank you in advance for replies.

Also, wanted to throw out this, ever since I got my Sundown Amp all my buddies are slowly switching to sundown. Great amps.

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Being with Team Massive for a while. Some of my install's are on their web page. Do you have 1 or 2 DMX 12's? If you have 2 you really don't have enough power on them. We did a fiber glass box with sub's up and 2 -4inch round port's fireing up. The box was around 5.5 cubes tuned at 32 hz's. WE had a P3000.1 on each DMX-12.

Robert Wyatt

Team Twistted Mayhem

Team Sundown Audio

Team T3 Audio

Team Massive Audio

Proud Dad of a MECA Kid

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Is there any room for you to try and flip your box around in a different position? This could result in a change of output. See what works best in your vehicle before you spend $

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I'll tell you a couple of tricks that I've learnt over the years

You'll need a TL or meter of some sort

Find your reso freq. Keep car running to keep constant power. Short bursts only. Record everything in a logical manner

Play with

1) box position - forward, back, up, side, and even on angles. (ive used a jack to angle the box down into the tailgate to test..)

2) pressing on doors, one at a time, 2 at a time, one side only, both sides, pushing on boot

3) seat positions, all the way forward, all the way back, tilted forward, tilted back, headrests or not etc etc

4) Bigger grounds

eg a Corolla hatch is unique in that in 3 generations of playing in that car, I can nearly reproduce the exact same results and go up around 3 db playing with the car.

Box firing backwards, passenger front seat forward tilted forward no headrest, drivers side in same position, push on passenger side with termlab - gain 3db.

Did it in 5 minutes for a competitor who thought he knew the technical side and its all about learning how the car behaves. Go play around with your car some :)


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  DeeCee said:
I'll tell you a couple of tricks that I've learnt over the years

You'll need a TL or meter of some sort

Find your reso freq. Keep car running to keep constant power. Short bursts only. Record everything in a logical manner

Play with

1) box position - forward, back, up, side, and even on angles. (ive used a jack to angle the box down into the tailgate to test..)

2) pressing on doors, one at a time, 2 at a time, one side only, both sides, pushing on boot

3) seat positions, all the way forward, all the way back, tilted forward, tilted back, headrests or not etc etc

4) Bigger grounds

eg a Corolla hatch is unique in that in 3 generations of playing in that car, I can nearly reproduce the exact same results and go up around 3 db playing with the car.

Box firing backwards, passenger front seat forward tilted forward no headrest, drivers side in same position, push on passenger side with termlab - gain 3db.

Did it in 5 minutes for a competitor who thought he knew the technical side and its all about learning how the car behaves. Go play around with your car some :)


nice info!

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Sorry - I should have asked. Do you want it louder for street beating or for competition?

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More for street beat, however, I will be competing some next year. I know I am getting 0 guage wire for xmas. So, I am changing all wire to 0 guage. Also, going to do the big 3 this weekend. Speaker cable to sub will also be upgraded to 10 maybe 8 guage. But, as you know every little bit helps. In comp's that is.

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Okay then :)

To maximise your potential you need to find your resonant frequency of your car. I think I read somewhere that Scion is 50hx tuning, but each car is uniquely different so we need to account for that.

The aim of this is to not build a one note box, but to build a box that has a interchangeable port so that you can use the box to street beat as well as compete.

It takes some more planning and time, but its all worth it in the end 8)

Looking at the cabling side is one thing, but have you considered your battery? the box itself? sounddeadening or blocking utility holes in doors?

There are numrous things to consider to push the SPL up instead of just throwing raw power at a sub in a box.

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Ok answering questions asked to me.

Dynamat has been applied as follows 5 layers on whole floor, 7 layers in all 4 doors, 8 layers on rear hatch door. Also, two full cans of expanding foam applied to rear hatch door. I know some of this may be overkill, however, I it is a pet peev of mine to hear a car sound like a tin can after it drive's by.

Box was made by a carpenter, so very well built. I got spec's from sub paperwork, and then cross referenced that with Digital Designs specs. Just because I wanted to lean more towards street bass. So, I went with a 40 hz tuning frequency. Box is made out of 3/4 inch mdf, except for top plate. Top plate holds sub and port, so I went with two layers of 3/4 inch mdf. Box is also held together with a little over 200 screws. It is a slot ported box however, all the port edges were rounded off, to help prevent any hiss from port.

Lastly, battery issue. I currently have stock battery under hood, which I know I have to change, as soon as I can. Then, I have a kinetik hc800 in back.

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